

  1. I wonder if I'd get caught bringing a pot cookie to school

    Sunday, 23-Nov-14 17:37:19 UTC from web
    1. @matthew This is speaking just from going to a school where people get high pretty often, if you simply go to school, eat the cookie, don't tell anybody what's in it, and then go home and never talk about it again, there's a pretty good chance you will never, ever be caught.


      That's not to say you should do it, though. Drugs are for thugs.

      Sunday, 23-Nov-14 17:41:33 UTC from web
      1. @mrmattimation I spelt your name and it auto corrected as "menstruation"

        Sunday, 23-Nov-14 17:43:25 UTC from web
      2. @mrmattimation That's for the Meth and up, you see, it's "Buds for buddies" where I am

        Sunday, 23-Nov-14 17:46:59 UTC from web