

  1. This place is going nuts @metaltao

    Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:05:08 UTC from web
    1. @vcgriffin WAKE UP YOU NARUT!

      Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:06:43 UTC from web
      1. @metaltao : ( I dont like being awake, much more than I like being asleep. At least when I am asleep I only bring myself down, when I am awake I brink other people down.

        Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:08:01 UTC from web
        1. @vcgriffin BUt i love you man! *huggleas* ou are a nice Communist-y person!

          Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:09:25 UTC from web
          1. @metaltao Thanks.

            Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:12:12 UTC from web
            1. @vcgriffin DOn't go away! You nice person! I would miss the company. mmmmmm

              Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:12:40 UTC from web
              1. @metaltao Not going anywhere for now, except bed, and to work. But I have been here every day since # . RDN is like my anchor. and you your like ....

                Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:14:40 UTC from web
                1. @vcgriffin HHAAH ! BUCK? Wha is that? Buck you too my man! I know that already.I am sorry foor being cheesy!
                  Cheese Sandwich,...

                  Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:15:45 UTC from web
                  1. @metaltao Buck was an awfully big bowl of spaghetti. It was the best bowl of spaghetti ever.

                    Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:23:12 UTC from web
                    1. @vcgriffin Oh my god... is that? YOU?!?!?!

                      Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:25:57 UTC from web
                      1. @metaltao Yes, yes it is.

                        Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:26:28 UTC from web
                        1. @vcgriffin OH MY GOD! yOu look better than I thought! And, what was with the spaghetti? I like spaghetti, yet I don't see any... what happened?

                          Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:28:31 UTC from web
                          1. @metaltao Ah I was making a fandom Joke.

                            Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:29:17 UTC from web
                            1. @vcgriffin OOOOH! Tell me more! I do know of the Spaghetti! Sounds like fun!

                              Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:30:30 UTC from web
                            2. @vcgriffin I WONDER WHAT KIND OF GREAT EVENT IT WAS STARTED FROM!

                              Sunday, 23-Nov-14 23:30:48 UTC from web