

  1. So what's up people? I made this video on why bronies clop # It's pretty good. What kind of stuff do you guys contribute to the community? @corpulentbrony

    Monday, 24-Nov-14 19:53:22 UTC from web
    1. @ponyphuckcast JEsus christ why do you think that's a vidoe that needs to be made

      Monday, 24-Nov-14 19:55:59 UTC from web
    2. @ponyphuckcast although I mean welcome to the website and I'm glad you're successful on youtube but I mean

      Monday, 24-Nov-14 19:59:02 UTC from web
      1. @rarity Thanks for the welcome, be seeing you around! /)

        Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:01:04 UTC from web
    3. @ponyphuckcast This is not really appropriate for this site, where we try to maintain a /child friendly/ atmosphere.

      Monday, 24-Nov-14 19:59:33 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark "any questionable content posted must be tagged # and may not be directly uploaded to the site."

        Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:00:35 UTC from web
        1. @ponyphuckcast might not want to argue with the owner mate

          Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:00:52 UTC from web
        2. @ponyphuckcast "While these rules attempt to cover as many cases as possible, moderators reserve the right to enforce anything that is or isn't listed at their own discretion"

          Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:02:54 UTC from web
        3. @ponyphuckcast I actually really appreciate that you actually read the rules before posting. You seem like a person who could be a great addition to the community, but I mean unspoken rule 1 is "sex is not appropriate"

          Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:03:39 UTC from web
          1. @rarity PG-14ish then

            Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:04:36 UTC from web
            1. @maliciousadvice well a little lower than that I would guess. The rules used to say "PG" but we rewrote them

              Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:05:49 UTC from web
      2. @ceruleanspark I'd say we're closer to young adult friendly but I'd agree in that it's pretty inapropro

        Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:03:22 UTC from web
        1. @soren As long as we've got a 12 year old regular I'm gonna do my best to keep them from feeling uncomfortable.

          Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:06:28 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark I think our 12 year old regular is a lot less innocent than some of our older regulars- but I agree with you regardless.

            Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:10:15 UTC from web
            1. @soren it doesn't matter how innocent our users are IMO, I'm a gigantic deviant and pervert but I still think this site should be child friendly

              Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:10:50 UTC from web
              1. @rarity I wasn't making a point about the users- I was just saying age has little to do with innocence. I agree with you.

                Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:12:57 UTC from web
            2. @soren Whilst I try to do it because it feels right to me, I also have legal liabilities to worry about.

              Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:11:28 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark That's true.

                Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:13:26 UTC from web
    4. @ponyphuckcast Its an ok video I guess. But I have seen it done better elsewhere in some of the very documents you cited I think. Also It gets to some quite straw man arguments in the middle. You could play around with it and have it relate to any subculture from high powered executives to blue collar workers down.

      Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:09:14 UTC from web
    5. @ponyphuckcast My apologies, if 12 year olds are browsing, it's probably a good idea that you just outright ban all sexual content, rather than have some leeway. Simply to avoid future confusion on the matter. Anyways, thanks for the welcomes!

      Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:11:56 UTC from web
      1. @ponyphuckcast I think the rule is there for actually questionable stuff like songs with swears and videos with rude jokes, not actual discussion of bananasory habits

        Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:12:33 UTC from web
        1. @rarity Right. When I picture "explicit" I picture actual nudity and very foul language, not a simple discussion on the matter.

          Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:13:59 UTC from web
          1. @ponyphuckcast Sorry about the misunderstanding, but I'm glad you understand. We just try to make it as friendly for all ages as possible

            Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:17:05 UTC from web
        2. @rarity what is bananasory? or should i ask?

          Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:14:48 UTC from web at 28°26'5"N 81°25'29"W
          1. @corpulentbrony I used a word that got censored that means "to touch yourself"

            Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:16:38 UTC from web
            1. @rarity oh okay! still catching on, thanks :)

              Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:17:29 UTC from web
              1. @corpulentbrony we have the fruit filter for a fun way of blocking bad words, for example go cherries yourself

                Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:17:52 UTC from web
                1. @rarity lol i got it...

                  Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:19:31 UTC from web
      2. @ponyphuckcast Which is a fair view. It did actually used to be an unambiguously "PG at worst" ruleset but it mostly lead to a lot of angry bickering about what the line was, and so much tedious "You can't ban me for this I'm on the line" rules-lawyering that I ended up just changing it to a vaguer description with the caveat that you see now.

        Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:17:09 UTC from web