

  1. i love everypony here for giving me a place to just exist with friggin amazing people who i can just... happily coexist with.

    Friday, 27-May-11 20:39:49 UTC from web
    1. @yaya ^-^

      Friday, 27-May-11 20:41:52 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @starlightbolt hello brony *hugs*

        Friday, 27-May-11 20:45:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @theawesomepony hey there! how are you today?

          Friday, 27-May-11 20:46:16 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @starlightbolt doing pretty swell i posted my second pony drawing on deviant art

            Friday, 27-May-11 20:48:25 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @theawesomepony nice link me

              Friday, 27-May-11 20:51:56 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @starlightbolt just go to deviant art and type in theawesomepony

                Friday, 27-May-11 20:55:46 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @theawesomepony oh yeah! you posted that earlier. Your new avatar is still throwing me off lol

                  Friday, 27-May-11 20:57:04 UTC from web
                  1. @starlightbolt now not that im talking about

                    Friday, 27-May-11 20:59:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  2. @starlightbolt wait till he uses dash as his avatar

                    Friday, 27-May-11 21:01:08 UTC from web
                  3. @starlightbolt no not that i have a new drawing just go to my deviant art page theawesomepony

                    Friday, 27-May-11 21:01:19 UTC from StatusNet iPhone