

  1. 11:55 under the wire!

    Saturday, 27-Dec-14 23:55:48 UTC from web
    1. @vcgriffin HEY! How are you?

      Saturday, 27-Dec-14 23:56:22 UTC from web
      1. @metaltao Fine Fine, doing stupid stereotypical stuff.
        also had too much coffee today so am sooo not going to sleep!
        and your awesome self?

        Saturday, 27-Dec-14 23:58:48 UTC from web
        1. @vcgriffin I am mostly bored, too busy hacking my lungs out. OH! I am reading up on this one dude though!

          Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:00:45 UTC from web
          1. @metaltao " I am reading up on this one dude though!"
            Could mean many different things to many people....

            Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:02:04 UTC from web
            1. @vcgriffin OH! NO NO NO! i am reading an article! On Alan Watts!

              Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:02:33 UTC from web
              1. @metaltao @metaltao How totally out of line and # can I be?
                (basically I plugged Watts and Subgenius into google and the results please me, But I also know I should Finnish reading his wikipedia page)

                Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:09:27 UTC from web
                1. @vcgriffin Be as cooky as need be!
                  Metal 2: No! DOn't do that!
                  Metal 1: But why???

                  Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:10:30 UTC from web
                  1. @metaltao I cant even varify these links (as I cant have the sound on at the moment)
                    This made me smile buts is # and probably to age appropriate
                    And this may be relevant (but I cant listen to it!)

                    Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:13:53 UTC from web
                    1. @vcgriffin What is Subgenuis supposed to be?

                      Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:19:37 UTC from web
                      1. @metaltao Oh, boy errr, its the one true, religion, we admit we are a bunch of fakers, does anyone else? no! and If we are proved to be wrong and you do not get eternal salvation they give double your money back (Like all good chrches it turns on money, but unlike all others it pays tax too)

                        Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:22:53 UTC from web
                        1. @vcgriffin I have seen that face before... But, what the hell?
                          This whole website confuses me...

                          Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:25:13 UTC from web
                          1. @metaltao RDN or :P

                            Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:26:14 UTC from web
                            1. @vcgriffin My face hurts!

                              Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:27:05 UTC from web
                            2. @vcgriffin It hurts from confusion by the by!

                              Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:32:07 UTC from web
                      2. @metaltao Its also a student radio show / art project that has got way out of hand (back in the 70's)

                        Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:23:32 UTC from web
    2. @vt3c Oh, thought I got them all. My bad.

      Sunday, 28-Dec-14 00:46:00 UTC from web