

  1. Hey, hae you ever applesed up majorly?

    Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:20:49 UTC from web
    1. @metaltao Yep

      Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:21:27 UTC from web
      1. @pandabear Oh hello Emily.

        Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:21:36 UTC from web
        1. @metaltao Hey Metal. What's up?

          Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:22:26 UTC from web
          1. @pandabear I just caused a group of friends to fight...

            Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:22:53 UTC from web
            1. @metaltao Ouch. Hate when that happens.

              Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:23:15 UTC from web
              1. @pandabear Yeah, sorry, I also met Harsh again today. And, I am having a great time talking to Beat. And, it is resolving itself... I have to thank that person... for being papayasing amazing.

                Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:25:19 UTC from web
                1. @metaltao That's good to hear. Glad everything worked out.

                  Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:25:44 UTC from web
                  1. @pandabear Thank yoU!

                    Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:26:47 UTC from web
                    1. @metaltao Mhmm. Hope things keep going well.

                      Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:31:14 UTC from web
                      1. @pandabear It just ended well. All thanks to a hero.

                        Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:35:27 UTC from web
                      2. @pandabear EVERYTHINGS BETTER! I just need to explain what happened to Spots tommorrow... ;~;

                        Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 11:52:52 UTC from web