

  1. My first attempt at making Vinyl, can I have your opinions

    Thursday, 22-Jan-15 00:28:50 UTC from web
    1. @godsregret Her body is far too long, but it's good otherwise

      Thursday, 22-Jan-15 00:29:19 UTC from web
    2. @godsregret Well, I'm generally better with people than ponies but besides the body being too long (as Matt mentioned) I'd say the snout is protruding a bit too far out. The hair is also a bit stiff, but drawing really fluid looking hair is tough and generally only comes with practice. Other than that it's fine, just keep up practicing.

      Thursday, 22-Jan-15 00:33:05 UTC from web
    3. @godsregret That is good! The biggest problem for me is her tiny head, which is good for real horses but not for MLP ponies. Pony heads are about as tall as their legs. On the other hand, her pose gives her a lot of nice energy. I like it! :)

      Thursday, 22-Jan-15 07:07:36 UTC from web