

  1. you know what y'all i thank every pony who has excepted me when i first joined about a month ago and i really love how nice and how big this fandom is and i know it's not gonna last forever but i think i will always be in love with it. and i have loved this fandom and ponies in general since my friend first showed me the show. because before i disliked it but since i gave the show a chance i've loved it ever since the episode and this website is a great contribution to the fandom for sure and i really love it and recently i have started to draw because i to wanted to contribute something as well and i'm hoping that i am succeeding......

    Saturday, 28-May-11 16:35:13 UTC from web
    1. @theawesomepony Thanks, and we love u too!!! *brohoof*

      Saturday, 28-May-11 16:43:27 UTC from web
      1. @delc17 *hugs* to you so where is this brony meet up taking place

        Saturday, 28-May-11 16:44:16 UTC from web
        1. @theawesomepony I already said earlier, check my past msgs

          Saturday, 28-May-11 16:47:54 UTC from web
          1. @delc17 oh yea derp i saw that and forgot

            Saturday, 28-May-11 16:51:00 UTC from web