

  1. Hello everypony!

    Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:44:14 UTC from web
    1. @cupcakinator hello want a muffin?

      Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:44:56 UTC from web
      1. @eatrooper Hay yes!

        Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:45:43 UTC from web
    2. @cupcakinator Well, well, well. Look who's back

      Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:44:58 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony sorry, lots of endevours. I'm not leaving though

        Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:45:59 UTC from web
        1. @cupcakinator here you go!

          Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:46:40 UTC from web
          1. @eatrooper mmmmMMMMMmmm om nom nom

            Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:47:18 UTC from web
        2. @cupcakinator Doubt it. You're trying to slowly leave us behind.

          Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:47:59 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony No, It's just that I don't get too many messages. I also found a brony around town so that was cool!

            Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:49:07 UTC from web
            1. @cupcakinator Don't you live in, like, Hipsterville Oregon.

              Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:49:52 UTC from web
              1. @abigpony If by that you mean st.helens and not portland then yes! but by hipsters you would have to mean many people who just want to live in a city and do manestream stuff all day and drugs than yes.

                Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:52:08 UTC from web
                1. @cupcakinator i thought all of Oregon was Hipsterville. At least that's what the internet tells me. From personal experience, it's just an underwater state. you'll find many more bronies where you live soon enough. They're EVERYWHERE

                  Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:55:42 UTC from web
                  1. @abigpony Well I made a whole bunch in town regardless, but this was the first I found and met on the internet.

                    Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:56:57 UTC from web
                    1. @cupcakinator Huh. Well I hope you have lots of brony fun whatever that may entail.

                      Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:59:17 UTC from web
                      1. @abigpony we sat on the rooftops downtown and watched brony videos while planning to ponyfy the town

                        Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:00:33 UTC from web
                        1. @cupcakinator >ponyfy the town. What do you mean by that? You better not mean what I think you mean.

                          Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:03:53 UTC from web
                          1. @abigpony i think * gulp * * whisper* pinkamena.....

                            Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:04:47 UTC from web
                            1. @eatrooper It's a scalpel. many households have them. You're fine... I think.

                              Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:05:36 UTC from web
                              1. @abigpony not with pinkamena on the loose i think i will raise my defence around here and school...

                                Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:07:12 UTC from web
                                1. @eatrooper nah, she won't attack. you're good

                                  Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:09:53 UTC from web
                                  1. @abigpony oh wait my numbwr has to be picked lolz!

                                    Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:11:21 UTC from web
                                    1. @eatrooper yeah, then you can't really help it

                                      Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:12:41 UTC from web
                                      1. @abigpony yeah im over reacting and i will be back in a few minutes....

                                        Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:13:39 UTC from web
                          2. @abigpony I don't know, what do you think I mean? Also that doesn't mean I'll be leaving you guys

                            Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:05:18 UTC from web
                            1. @cupcakinator Don't go posting ponies everywhere now. if you do, i'll have to kill ya.

                              Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 03:06:11 UTC from web
      2. @abigpony Oh neat, you didn't die last night.

        Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:50:48 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada It was a close one

          Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:54:29 UTC from web