

  1. ...yeah, I think this background is practically done. Might add some shapes in the back to represent houses. I dunno. !art

    Sunday, 22-Feb-15 06:08:34 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation Not bad at all, broski.

      Sunday, 22-Feb-15 06:13:53 UTC from web
      1. @clayinthecarpet I felt like the house resembled this house too much, especially since it's gonna become a major setting for the show later on, but I decided "mango it" because I like it.

        Sunday, 22-Feb-15 06:16:13 UTC from web
        1. @mrmattimation Just go with what feels right is what I'd say.

          Sunday, 22-Feb-15 06:20:51 UTC from web
    2. @mrmattimation dont you think shading the sky a little woul dbe good?

      Sunday, 22-Feb-15 06:29:27 UTC from web
      1. @mastermushi Erm... yeah, I think so. I do have a bit of white at the horizon but I see what you mean.

        Sunday, 22-Feb-15 06:42:01 UTC from web