

  1. The Westermarck effect, or reverse sexual imprinting, is a hypothetical psychological effect through which people who live in close domestic proximity during the first few years of their lives become desensitized to sexual attraction.

    Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 14:02:03 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark Considering how many times people who've grown together want to... do the thing with eachother, I'd say the hypotesis is not too solid.

      Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 14:13:50 UTC from web
    2. @darkw00d What's better than this. Just puberty being puberty.

      Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 14:21:45 UTC from web
    3. @darkw00d Nobody said anything about blood bonds. Just "raised together". Which can be as distant as "spent a big part of each day as kids in the same daycare, then went to school together and hanged out all the time"

      Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 14:29:34 UTC from web
    4. @darkw00d I always fund it weird when people oppose the idea of non-blood related "siblings" dating, like a son and a daughter of two people who get married.

      Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 14:35:00 UTC from web
    5. @darkw00d As for incest, my position is "let anyone do whatever as long as they don't try to have kids" since it doesn't harm anybody. If they desire eachother, then it's fine for me. Just don't risk having a kid with genetic diseases. Just adopt or whatever.

      Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 14:37:46 UTC from web
    6. @darkw00d I've always been of the idea that, if you know someone else and the appeal is reciprocal, and you KNOW it can work, go for it. Don't gamble trying to find "better" because you have a good chance of ending with nothing.

      Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 14:44:26 UTC from web
    7. @darkw00d Guess we can agree to disagree, knowing the positions of eachother are both reasonable. I guess my position comes from the life philosophy I've always had of "do what you want as long as it's in private" and "beat the world into submission"

      Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 14:49:46 UTC from web
    8. @darkw00d Oh yeah, I don't force anyone into it either. It's an opinion, and it's always a "what I'd do in that situation" thing.

      Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 14:56:16 UTC from web