

  1. Bulgaria makes the best AK's. :)

    Sunday, 01-Mar-15 05:40:29 UTC from web
    1. @m14brony You would know eh? XD

      Sunday, 01-Mar-15 05:42:26 UTC from web
      1. @metaltao Eeyup. I am quite fond of my Arsenal SAM7SF. In fact, it has already become my favorite AK.


        Sunday, 01-Mar-15 05:44:46 UTC from web
        1. @m14brony I really find it comical that you stage your AK atop a fridge, it keeps reminding me of something. I think it was an image of a Fridge full of AKs?

          Sunday, 01-Mar-15 05:46:37 UTC from web
          1. @metaltao I suppose you could call it a fusion of one of my interests and my future HVAC career. :D Perhaps I should fill an entire commercial walk-in refrigerator with AK's. :D

            Sunday, 01-Mar-15 05:50:15 UTC from web
            1. @m14brony XD That is why I was reminded! You are a Technician! You coudl have a wall of AKs in the style of Twilight's Cutie Mark!

              Sunday, 01-Mar-15 05:51:08 UTC from web
        2. @m14brony But, it looks kind of Rustic, and a tad green. Is it meant to look that way?

          Sunday, 01-Mar-15 05:48:21 UTC from web
          1. @metaltao The rifle itself is black. Admittedly, my mediocre photography skills and lack of lighting around where I took the photos don't give the best appearance of the gun.

            Sunday, 01-Mar-15 05:51:35 UTC from web
            1. @m14brony Eh, I still like it.

              Sunday, 01-Mar-15 05:53:00 UTC from web