

  1. Hurry up and dry, nails.

    Sunday, 12-Apr-15 05:18:43 UTC from web
    1. @m14brony *Blows air over your nails, drying the faster*

      Sunday, 12-Apr-15 05:20:22 UTC from web
      1. @metaltao I think the rotor downwash is too strong for that!

        Sunday, 12-Apr-15 05:27:26 UTC from web
        1. @m14brony *Gets flattened to the ground* Why didn't yah warnme you wre under a helicopter?

          Sunday, 12-Apr-15 05:29:20 UTC from web
          1. @metaltao Oops. :P

            Sunday, 12-Apr-15 05:46:44 UTC from web
            1. @m14brony Though, that is a pretty awesome way of dying nails.. By Militarized Helicopter. :L

              Sunday, 12-Apr-15 05:48:14 UTC from web
              1. @metaltao While it is dated compared to newer gunships out there, I still find the Mi-24 fascinating. :)

                Sunday, 12-Apr-15 06:10:25 UTC from web
                1. @m14brony I personally find the Chinooks to be some of the most beautiful devices ever... They fly over my house sometimes, and the sound is just so wonderful.

                  Sunday, 12-Apr-15 06:13:08 UTC from web
                  1. @metaltao I haven't seen a Chinook in person. Granted, I haven't seen much in person when it comes to military helicopters (I believe I have only seen the UH-1 and UH-60 in flight in person). I did see a Russian Mi-17 (Mi-8V) Hip in a hangar in Mexico City when the plane was taxiing (until then, I was unaware that Russian ordnance was used in Mexico).

                    Sunday, 12-Apr-15 06:24:03 UTC from web
                    1. @m14brony Awww, man, it is quite a ssight! POver here, we have not only an air port, but a Military base that requires a lot of transporting of goods. We have Jets and Helicopters fly on a weekly or monthly basis... though, I find it odd we haven;t seen ANY this year yet.

                      Sunday, 12-Apr-15 06:25:32 UTC from web
                      1. @metaltao I would probably have to go to an air show to see a wider variety of such aircraft. It would also be interesting to travel overseas to see Russian aircraft as well.

                        It would be interesting to see the massive size of the Mi-26 in person:


                        (Yes, that thing is lifting a Chinook)

                        Sunday, 12-Apr-15 06:34:24 UTC from web
                        1. @m14brony HEY! I was looking taht uup my self! XD

                          Sunday, 12-Apr-15 06:36:57 UTC from web
                        2. @m14brony Incredible, but I am wondering if the Chinook could dd the same.. it has two rotors... LOOKING FOR INFO! LET'S EXPERIMENT! (OR LOOK FOR VIDEOS WHERE THEY DO THAT INSTEAD!) Cause, man, I wonder what IS the most powerful in lift capacity... Or if they can be interchangable?

                          Sunday, 12-Apr-15 06:39:53 UTC from web
                        3. @m14brony The recommended videos made something come to mind.. You know the M1 Abrams Tanks? I heard they used Depleted Uranium Armour... that stuff is VERY dense.. I heard a story about how a tank was high jacked by an enemy and they had to destroy it, they were unable to attack or destroy each other because their armour was so think. XD

                          Sunday, 12-Apr-15 06:42:56 UTC from web
                        4. @m14brony Also thinking of the armaments, the Mi has a lot of Armaments, but the guns are just as interesting. I don't know much about the Mi's Equipment, but the Vulcan Cannons on the Chinook are incredible!
                          (here is a semi-comical video of one! XD)

                          Sunday, 12-Apr-15 06:46:18 UTC from web
                          1. @metaltao I need to try shooting one of those. :D

                            Sunday, 12-Apr-15 07:15:49 UTC from web
                            1. @m14brony OH MY GOD IF YOU DO BRING ME AND I WILL LOVE YOU MAN! Asfdsgdfd SHEESH! I would like, hug yah right then and there! TAKE VIDEO! THAT WOULD Be SO... /)^3^(\ awesome

                              Sunday, 12-Apr-15 07:17:05 UTC from web
                              1. @metaltao And Feinstein would be mad. :D

                                Sunday, 12-Apr-15 07:25:03 UTC from web
                                1. @m14brony I think she sleep walks aroudn her house, grabbing milk and cereal whispering, "Guns........ Gunnssssss..... Gunsssssssss.. Hissssss"

                                  Sunday, 12-Apr-15 07:28:22 UTC from web
                                  1. @metaltao She has nightmares about me. :P

                                    Sunday, 12-Apr-15 07:37:37 UTC from web
                        5. @m14brony Sorry, Got distracted by Youtube and stuff... Didn't look, but I will keep looking!

                          Sunday, 12-Apr-15 06:58:28 UTC from web
                        6. @m14brony Found it!
                          Mi-26: Max. takeoff weight: 56,000 kg (123,450 lb)
                          Chinook: Max. takeoff weight: 50,000 lb (22,680 kg)

                          Sunday, 12-Apr-15 07:00:39 UTC from web
                        7. @m14brony I am both Amazed, and disappointed! In that order.

                          Sunday, 12-Apr-15 07:01:12 UTC from web