Hallo again
Sunday, 31-May-15 04:35:54 UTC from web-
@macpony55 Hi Hi!
Sunday, 31-May-15 04:37:30 UTC from web-
@metaltao Wassupp?
Sunday, 31-May-15 04:39:14 UTC from web-
@macpony55 ot much! Talking with soem friends!
Sunday, 31-May-15 04:40:06 UTC from web-
@metaltao Sounds like a nice way to spend some time
Sunday, 31-May-15 04:46:59 UTC from web-
@macpony55 INDEED! I even helped Some kids and took care of them, and played!
Sunday, 31-May-15 04:55:53 UTC from web-
@metaltao That's awesome, sound way more productive than what I've been doing :p
Sunday, 31-May-15 04:57:57 UTC from web-
@macpony55 XD It wasn't TOO productive, all we did was play and spend time poking bugs that looked at us funny.
Sunday, 31-May-15 04:59:03 UTC from web-
@metaltao Sounds a whole lot more fun than sitting here scanning in old school papers for hours
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:05:19 UTC from web-
@macpony55 SCAN YOUR BUTT! :D
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:05:58 UTC from web-
@metaltao It's my girlfriends scanner, which just makes that idea that much better
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:10:53 UTC from web-
@macpony55 DO IT!
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:12:29 UTC from web-
@metaltao I shall, I think I'll wait until her roommate isn't here though
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:17:19 UTC from web-
@macpony55 Again, make it a nice Butt Pic.
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:20:09 UTC from web-
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:25:32 UTC from web
@m14brony Tasteful and elegant!
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:27:19 UTC from web
@macpony55 Does she liek those?
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:20:16 UTC from web-
@metaltao We'll find out soon
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:22:19 UTC from web-
@macpony55 BE CAREFUL! Makee sure you ask, "Do you like Moons? My Moon Specifically?"
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:22:53 UTC from web-
@metaltao I like it, will do
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:31:06 UTC from web-
@macpony55 Roger Wilco
Sunday, 31-May-15 05:31:36 UTC from web