

  1. I may the only person on the planet who has, since childhood, always been completely neutral on the 16-bit gaming consoles. I just always loved both of them.

    Monday, 01-Jun-15 06:42:58 UTC from web
    1. @pandabear We've discussed this pretty extensively lately, so I'll just summarize my opinion:

      The SNES and Genesis were both wonderful consoles, and I don't really think one of them was substantially better than the other, objectively speaking. That being said, I have always preferred the Genesis, which is probably mostly just bias since the Genesis is what I had as a kid.

      Monday, 01-Jun-15 06:47:54 UTC from web
      1. @riley And blast processing!

        Monday, 01-Jun-15 12:37:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid