

  1. @abigpony well that doesnt make sense :/ are you not a brony

    Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:37:44 UTC from web
    1. @mrscratch There are actually a lot of users here who reject the term "brony."

      Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:38:21 UTC from web
      1. @scribus I personally dont like it.

        Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:39:20 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @renovatedkitchen Because of the perceived gender-exclusivity?

          Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:40:54 UTC from web
          1. @scribus Well, personally I find it to be gender exclusive. Like if a fem told me she was a brony, I would say thats awesome. But its just the word brony. For some reason I dont like the "ring" it has to it.

            Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:44:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @renovatedkitchen Fair 'nuff.

              Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:45:10 UTC from web
              1. @scribus How've things been with you?

                Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:48:06 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @renovatedkitchen Up and down, hanging in. Et tu?

                  Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:49:34 UTC from web
                  1. @scribus About the same. Been going down, but couldnt care less really. How are things with school?

                    Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:50:58 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @renovatedkitchen Still 4.0, on summer between semesters, job hunting.

                      Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:51:29 UTC from web
                      1. @scribus Ah. Enjoying it all? Job hunting, eh? Do you have pretty good stamina?

                        Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:54:37 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        1. @renovatedkitchen I sure hope so, I'm going to need it in this market. :P

                          Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:56:28 UTC from web
                          1. @scribus Thats true. Becuause I was gonna say. If you have stamina, try applying at your local airport.

                            Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:57:24 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                            1. @renovatedkitchen Hmm. I do have a small, local airport.... It's more like private planes than actual airlines.

                              Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:58:27 UTC from web
                              1. @scribus Thats what I work for ^_^. And I love it!

                                Saturday, 09-Jun-12 06:59:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                1. @renovatedkitchen Hm. What kind of work is it?

                                  Saturday, 09-Jun-12 07:00:22 UTC from web
                                  1. @scribus Well, I usually do sports teams and charter flights (loading all the bags into the belly) and now Im leaning more towards moving/marshalling planes in and out. Its so much fun.

                                    Saturday, 09-Jun-12 07:02:06 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                    1. @renovatedkitchen Neat.

                                      Saturday, 09-Jun-12 07:03:54 UTC from web
                                      1. @scribus Mhm. Theres nothing like a massive plane doing what you tell it to do ^_^

                                        Saturday, 09-Jun-12 07:05:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                        1. @renovatedkitchen I just can't help but think of Bob Newhart's air traffic controller skit. :p

                                          Saturday, 09-Jun-12 07:06:53 UTC from web
                                          1. @scribus Watching it now. Lol

                                            Saturday, 09-Jun-12 07:09:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                            1. @renovatedkitchen Bob Newhart is the shiznit, yo.

                                              Saturday, 09-Jun-12 07:10:48 UTC from web
                                              1. @scribus lol. Its a big plane. You cant miss it XD

                                                Saturday, 09-Jun-12 07:12:22 UTC from StatusNet Desktop