someone play street fighter with me
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 22:42:23 UTC from web-
@liamcadenza I would but 1)I don't have Ultra and 2) no internet for my xbox
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 22:43:24 UTC from web-
@rarity I can deal with AE, but no internet for your xbox is a problem
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 22:45:44 UTC from web-
@liamcadenza Plug in a second controller and have Rarity DM you button inputs
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 22:58:02 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark You people laugh but that's literally how online multiplayer in that Madoka: Grief Syndrome game worked.
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 23:02:55 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark Carcino tried to talk me into getting that to play with him a bunch of times actually
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 23:03:47 UTC from web-
@nerthos It's pretty fun, but yeah. The netcode is basically non-existent.
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 23:14:18 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark Also according to him blue friend is terriby op
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 23:14:39 UTC from web-
@nerthos Blue and Red Megucas are absolutely god tier. Me and @scoot got to like...level 7000 or some ridiculous thing with them.
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 23:17:25 UTC from web
@ceruleanspark oh wow that's something
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 23:06:01 UTC from web-
@rarity Yeah, you end up playing essentially two separate single player instances of the game with all controller inputs being sent over the net to the other client. Things get really confusing really fast in the event of lag or dropped packets, as the two game states become increasingly desynchronised from each-other
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 23:13:02 UTC from web
@liamcadenza I'd play MAME32 Street Fighter 2 if you want.
Saturday, 15-Aug-15 22:45:40 UTC from web