

  1. Damnit, I can't shrink the Windows partition to lower than 400GB. Okay, backup plan; just make a smaller (~100GB) partition for files to share between OSes. I'm not gonna need to share much anyway

    Thursday, 03-Dec-15 04:33:31 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada I just setup an ftp server on a separate machine hosted over my local domain. Easier for multiple OS

      Thursday, 03-Dec-15 04:42:09 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada How big is the disk?

      Thursday, 03-Dec-15 04:53:20 UTC from web
      1. @skellythos 1TB

        Thursday, 03-Dec-15 06:53:25 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada Whoa. Asking you for 400GB on a 1TB disk is a bit too much.

          Thursday, 03-Dec-15 06:56:25 UTC from web
          1. @skellythos I believe it's not the space it's using (it's only used 40GB so far) so much as how the files are laid out in the partition making it impossible to shrink it without losing them. It wouldn't have worked out anyway cus hibernating Windows stops me from accessing whatever it's mounted in Mint anyway :(

            Thursday, 03-Dec-15 07:08:26 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada Oh, you meant resizing an already existing partition. Yeah, to do that you have to first defragment the partition. Pile up all the bits of data on a single physical area of the disk.

              Thursday, 03-Dec-15 07:26:00 UTC from web
            2. @redenchilada @skellythos maybe this helps:

              Thursday, 03-Dec-15 07:27:29 UTC from
              1. @onetimepad The problem with that is I always hibernate Windows instead of shutting down. I'm wondering now if maybe it's possible to make a partition that can be mounted/unmounted at will in Windows somehow so I can just only have it mounted when I need to move files to/from mint.

                Thursday, 03-Dec-15 17:21:45 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada have you tried these? (but I recommend making backups before if you can, just 2b safe)

                  Thursday, 03-Dec-15 20:32:34 UTC from
            3. @redenchilada Why not use one of those partition wizards like the old partition magic to move files from a system to another? They let you even copy things from a system partition to another while it's running even though the OS cannot see the other partition by itself. Some are bootable from a CD or pendrive, even.

              Thursday, 03-Dec-15 07:28:22 UTC from web