

  1. the only nintendo thing I've played in the last like 4 or maybe even 5 months is batcaveing pokemon shuffle literally everyday because I'm addicted

    Sunday, 06-Dec-15 21:49:42 UTC from web
    1. @ellistia I've just played Smash here and there. What's Shuffle like?

      Sunday, 06-Dec-15 21:50:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @noelnarwhal It's fun for a while but at this point has gotten pretty bland and grind-y for me at least, even though I can't stop playing. Just your standard pay-to-win game I guess.

        Sunday, 06-Dec-15 21:58:30 UTC from web
        1. @ellistia get out soon, brother

          Sunday, 06-Dec-15 21:58:56 UTC from web
        2. @ellistia Ahh, pretty much what I expected then. Don't think I'll end up giving that one a go.

          Sunday, 06-Dec-15 22:00:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid