

  1. Yesterday at the latest D&D session:
    Me: "I'm good in Acrobatics. I'll balance over that pole in no time!"
    *rolls crit fail*
    *falls into water and gets half eaten by sharks*
    *gets pulled out of the water*
    Me: "Well. That was very unlucky. I'll try it again!"
    *rolls a 2, fail by 5*
    *falls again into water and a shark takes another bite*

    Monday, 04-Jan-16 13:49:42 UTC from Choqok
    1. @adiwan May the dice be ever in your favour

      Monday, 04-Jan-16 17:16:11 UTC from web
      1. @techdisk The dice are never on anyone's side and favor noone, except themselves. To report on a positive thing that happened to us that session was that the DM rolled three times in a row a crit fail against our paladin. The monsters had devastating multi-attacks, so it could have ended dramatically.

        Monday, 04-Jan-16 17:28:36 UTC from Choqok
        1. @adiwan XD

          Monday, 04-Jan-16 17:31:36 UTC from web
        2. @adiwan How true, how true.

          Monday, 04-Jan-16 17:32:18 UTC from web