

  1. Friday night, that only means one thing: It's another night.

    Saturday, 19-Mar-16 02:12:01 UTC from
    1. @hfaust For me it means nap and then videogames with gf until super late.

      Saturday, 19-Mar-16 02:18:39 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Supposedly, Friday is night for reading new books, but I've been short of money so no new books this month.

        Saturday, 19-Mar-16 02:26:26 UTC from
        1. @hfaust @nerthos read off project gutenberg! if you don't mind being blinded by the screen

          Saturday, 19-Mar-16 02:28:52 UTC from
        2. @hfaust Lately I just download them for my father's reader thing. Books are expensive.

          Saturday, 19-Mar-16 07:48:24 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos e-ink tablet-like device ? I want one if those.

            Saturday, 19-Mar-16 08:35:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @critialcloudkicker Yep. They aren't expensive.

              Saturday, 19-Mar-16 08:54:34 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos Ehmm, yes they are ? :o

                Saturday, 19-Mar-16 09:15:22 UTC from web
                1. @critialcloudkicker Bought one not ong ago for like $65

                  Saturday, 19-Mar-16 09:23:33 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos I can't find a nice one within the 60-70 Euro range actually... Well I did find which is 2nd-hand and I might get it for 30 Euro ( I have to bid for it )

                    Saturday, 19-Mar-16 09:40:39 UTC from web
                    1. @critialcloudkicker I'm using a papyre 6.1, in case you're interested. Used ones might be worth it, but check with the seller first. Sometimes they don't even have any use. One of the two I have my father bought from someone who had won it on some bank promotion and had no use for it.

                      Saturday, 19-Mar-16 09:44:45 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos So it turns out my brother has one, he threw it in a corner when it crashes like 2-3 months ago. I think I just fixed it. It has an MMC cardreader though. So in order to find out what an Irex actually takes ( note that the company who made those devices went bankrupt in June 2010 ) I need to find an USB>MMC adapter or something, Unless if you think that I can put a good book on the 16 MB internal memory :+ . Anyway, I can get my hands on experience before I go buy a "current age" one that does not take 100 seconds to boot, or a full second to turn a page. I think I might read the Harry Potter books in English first, seen as it is already on there.

                        Saturday, 19-Mar-16 11:26:06 UTC from web
                        1. @critialcloudkicker Sounds good enough. Mine takes a little bit to change pages depending on the book, but I'm used to it so I just press next page before finishing the current one

                          Saturday, 19-Mar-16 12:47:33 UTC from web