

  1. Meh. Moving.

    Monday, 11-Apr-16 02:51:49 UTC from web
    1. @m14brony Let's get jiggy with it!

      Monday, 11-Apr-16 02:52:45 UTC from web
      1. @metaltao What's so jiggy about rent generally being more expensive around where I plan on moving for my new job? :P

        Monday, 11-Apr-16 02:53:19 UTC from web
        1. @m14brony You bending over and moving stuff mate! WOO! JAZZERCISE! READY THE MAIN CANNONS FOR SEXY!

          Monday, 11-Apr-16 02:53:45 UTC from web
          1. @metaltao You're taking pictures of my underwear again? :P

            Monday, 11-Apr-16 02:54:51 UTC from web