

  1. @dtluna this is better than Facebook. I'm just sorry to see people I grew up with go slowly insane because of evil memes.

    Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 00:56:27 UTC from
    1. @moonman You phrase that like I have yet to encounter a different kind of meme, a "good meme".

      Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 00:58:31 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker that is because they had to evolve to be perfected.

        Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:03:46 UTC from
        1. @moonman And that is living proof of why I want to be like Hank Scorpio one day. Though yes, I see your point and feel for you ( due to loss of minions friends thanks to those memes ) ... Though I must confess that I do not really know what this "Facebook Derangement Syndrome" of which you speak actually is

          Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:10:31 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker when people spend all their time on facebook and so their perception of reality becomes completely shaped by clickbait and deceptive infographics, and they are driven to support crazier and crazier things for social credit.

            Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:15:25 UTC from
            1. @moonman And how closely is this related to the effect that Facebook has an algorithm that pushes the things you agree with the most to the forefront ? ( so you see it quicker and can react with it more. I think, I have never used Facebook ( and probably never will ) since the "echo-chamber"-effect and "hugbox"-effect will drive me insane... probably )

              Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:19:49 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker Untrue, otherwise I'd have nothing but jojo memes on it

                Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:22:04 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos Pretty sure it would at least try to pin Animoo-Bullcrap on you though. But you are probably a shining example of people to smart to fall for this, or clickbait.

                  Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:26:11 UTC from web
                  1. @critialcloudkicker I get some clickbait, but why would I click it when it pretty much has the earthworm in sight?

                    Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:29:54 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos I was trying to make a point regarding that people like you know exactly what they click on. And what goes around comes around in the end. Like if you click on more clickbait, you will no doubt be bombarded with more clickbaity articles to click on as a direct result. And the problem with actually reading clickbaity articles is that they are SOO incredibly bias all the time that it could be considered poison for your brain.

                      Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:43:40 UTC from web
              2. @critialcloudkicker it's related, it probably has made things worse. But it's mostly about the addiction to outrage and virtue signaling, Facebook happens to just be much better at facilitating it now.

                Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:25:17 UTC from
                1. @moonman Well, that would explain a few things *sigh*. Also the only reason why Facebook is so good at it now is because it seems to be an acceptable norm these days. Everybody has it now, and clickbaity articles about "how not having a Facebook account with accessible profile when you are job-hunting is a bad thing" probably only added to the "everybody needs Facebook !"-effect. I detest Facebook for pretty much all those reasons we have mentioned sofar, and a few personal ones. As such I can't wait for a curve like to become reality for Facebook.

                  Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:37:42 UTC from web
            2. @moonman @critialcloudkicker (This also describes Twitter)

              Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:25:38 UTC from