

  1. Here's a cursed banjo I'm making for a RP heavy, Combat Free 6player Pathfinder campaign where everyone's a bard

    Banjo of Azure Plains
    Checks: 19 Lore 17 Dungeoneering

    Basic Description: "Black & Gold banjo with glowing blue stings and a moon theme, has a... wild smell to it"

    1/Day Moon Shines: Summon 1 "3 Liter Jug of Moonshine"*
    1/Day Hoedown: Causes 2 targets to dance uncontrollably for the duration of the song
    DC: Preform + 1/2 bard lvl +2 if the targets are non-hostile with each other +1 if played after another song from this instrument
    1/3 Days: The Moon shines on you too - A target suffers the same debuffs as you - Non avoidable except if the target is naturally or magically immune

    Curse: Upon being used it bonds with the player, should the player play another instrument the player can only use it again after drinking 3 Liters of any alcoholic beverage in one day

    Thursday, 28-Apr-16 02:48:03 UTC from web