So people any PMV creators here? !broniesforever
Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 07:16:39 UTC from web-
@bronies at the risk of sounding stupid what is a pmv creator?
Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 07:26:18 UTC from StatusNet Android -
@abigpony oh x.x
Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 07:27:36 UTC from StatusNet Android -
@abigpony I am not a very cleaver pony XP
Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 07:28:07 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@starlightbolt mfw 'cleaver'
Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 07:30:07 UTC from web-
@moonprincess lol im using swype on my phone its not the most reliable and I have a bad habit of not checking my message before I send it
Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 08:18:48 UTC from StatusNet Android
@bronies Closest I've come is some Guile's theme vids. I don't have the patience for larger projects. /shrug