

  1. [b]Plushie Compilation #[/b]: We've been talking about Shining and Cadance and how under appreciated they have been after the finale as it seems like Chrysalis completely stole the show. So in honor of these two they get to have an edition of their own and besides, aren't they cute? Time yet again for more pony plushies! Check them all out after the break. >

    Friday, 22-Jun-12 03:00:05 UTC from Calpain
    1. @eqdpony OMG look at the luna and celestia one awwwwwww.

      Friday, 22-Jun-12 03:01:54 UTC from web
    2. @eqdpony When are they gonna showcase the Celestia and Twilight plushies? *bricked*

      Friday, 22-Jun-12 03:04:01 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada Theres filly celestia 0-0

        Friday, 22-Jun-12 03:06:18 UTC from web