

  1. @gameragodzilla @karl I usually have two volumes: whispering normally, and KIND OF TALKING VERY LOUDLY CAUSE ITS ABOUT THE ONLY WAY TO GET IT PAST THE PAIN.  And the latter gets kind of obnoxious to people.

    Thursday, 12-May-16 04:37:24 UTC from
    1. @maiyannah Throat illness?

      Thursday, 12-May-16 04:38:39 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos My immune system is basically eating me alive, and there isn't a part of me that's escaped that.

        Thursday, 12-May-16 04:40:18 UTC from
        1. @maiyannah Oh. That sounds genuinely horrible. I thought it was some throat swelling or such.

          Thursday, 12-May-16 04:50:51 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos I've dealt with it since I was 11.  Not saying it's "nice", but it *is* "usual" for me.  I'm used to it.

            Thursday, 12-May-16 04:51:41 UTC from
            1. @maiyannah Cause, details, and stuff like that? if you don't mind, of course. I just have an interest in medical stuff.

              Thursday, 12-May-16 04:56:09 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos The condition I was left with doesn't even have a name, I'm one of 18 people that has it, well, at least last time the number came up, I don't keep asking for a running count.  Basically, it has to do with my body trying to 'overcompensate' for the fact that it knows my white blood cells malfunction.  The cell walls for platelets and several other walls are especially hard and my white blood cells basically attack them because they're all like "THIS kiwi AIN'T RIGHT" and it goes downhill from there.

                Thursday, 12-May-16 04:58:21 UTC from
                1. @maiyannah At that point you are probably better off becoming a Quarian. Get a HEV suit and take immunosupressors.

                  Thursday, 12-May-16 05:02:12 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos Haha, feels kind of the opposite actually, with all I've been through in life.  I've been shot twice, stabbed up once, hit by a car, hit by a heavy gate in high winds, had a stroke, and I'm still here.  If I was going to die from some accident or this condition it probably would have happened ages ago.

                    Thursday, 12-May-16 05:03:48 UTC from
                    1. @maiyannah Good news: you're practically immortal. Bad news: you have a 0 in luck.

                      Thursday, 12-May-16 05:04:49 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos Basically I am the nameless one from planescape torment.

                        Thursday, 12-May-16 05:05:36 UTC from
                        1. @maiyannah Then just invest in wisdom and you'll be fine.

                          Thursday, 12-May-16 05:06:42 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos Endure.  In enduring, grow strong.

                            Thursday, 12-May-16 05:07:56 UTC from
                            1. @maiyannah

                              Thursday, 12-May-16 05:09:32 UTC from web
                              1. @nerthos Ah TG, I haven't been there in ages.

                                Also, lol: Firefox was trying to offer me a reader view of Youtube.  Wat

                                Thursday, 12-May-16 05:11:17 UTC from
                                1. @maiyannah /tg/, a place of wonder and copious amounts of human fat.

                                  Thursday, 12-May-16 05:12:30 UTC from web
                                  1. @nerthos I'm not even joking when I say I'm probably 1/4 of the average TG poster.

                                    And I don't mean the amputated leg either!

                                    Thursday, 12-May-16 05:14:01 UTC from
                                    1. @maiyannah 1/4 in weight or 1/4 in tastes?

                                      Thursday, 12-May-16 05:15:30 UTC from web
                                      1. @nerthos Oh probably both, after all I haven't sampled the wide selection of foods of the world they have!

                                        Thursday, 12-May-16 05:16:07 UTC from
                                        1. @maiyannah I hope I never lose my ability to eat everything and stay at 80kg

                                          Thursday, 12-May-16 05:17:13 UTC from web
                                          1. @nerthos I'm boring as banana, unless the housemates make off or I have the money to take myself out with it literally every day is pasta and pop.

                                            I just eat like breakfast and dinner and that's it.  And I often forget at least one of those.  Your body doesn't need much to go on when you're like four foot eight.

                                            Thursday, 12-May-16 05:18:44 UTC from
                                            1. @maiyannah Oh, you're even shorter than my girlfriend, haha. I tend to skip breakfast and have abundant lunch and dinner. I also like cooking even if I don't do it that much, but my diet mostly consists of cow, chicken, tomato, rice, pasta, tuna, some pig, bread, and embutidos. I'm also 1.83m tall so I guess I consume a lot of energy? I think I uploaded a pic a while back

                                              Thursday, 12-May-16 05:22:25 UTC from web
                                              1. @nerthos How's the weather up there?

                                                Thursday, 12-May-16 05:24:06 UTC from
                                                1. @maiyannah Humid like everything in this city.

                                                  Thursday, 12-May-16 05:24:41 UTC from web
                                                  1. @nerthos Oh man, you can keep that weather.  The pressure from weather systems that make humidity make my immune system even worse x-x

                                                    Thursday, 12-May-16 05:25:29 UTC from
                                                    1. @maiyannah Humidity here is mostly because there are two underground rivers running under my house.

                                                      Thursday, 12-May-16 05:26:39 UTC from web
                                                      1. @nerthos Note to self: Don't move somewhere above an underground river.

                                                        Thursday, 12-May-16 05:27:22 UTC from
                                                        1. @maiyannah @nerthos Doesn't Scotland also have terrible weather or is that just England?

                                                          Thursday, 12-May-16 05:28:36 UTC from
                                                          1. @gameragodzilla @nerthos It's cold.  And my body handles wet cold better than humid heat.  Again, it has to do with pressure.  Medicine hasn't quite explained it, but the immune system is more active in a high pressure system.  It's also why some people are prone to headaches when it is humid out.

                                                            Thursday, 12-May-16 05:29:42 UTC from
                                                            1. @maiyannah @nerthos Don't come to Georgia then. lol

                                                              Thursday, 12-May-16 05:31:40 UTC from
                                                            2. @maiyannah Cold is always better than heat, no argument there.

                                                              Thursday, 12-May-16 05:32:31 UTC from web
                                                        2. @maiyannah Gey, on the plus side I have free water.

                                                          Thursday, 12-May-16 05:30:15 UTC from web
                                                          1. @nerthos *hey, not gey.

                                                            Thursday, 12-May-16 05:30:32 UTC from web
                                                2. @maiyannah Here it is

                                                  Thursday, 12-May-16 05:25:35 UTC from web
                                                  1. @nerthos You are actually strangely quite rather like how I imagined you, except for some reason I pictured you with short blonde hair.

                                                    Thursday, 12-May-16 05:26:46 UTC from
                                                    1. @maiyannah Haha, first time someone here imagines me correctly. I used to have lighter hair as a kid, but it got slightly darker to a light brown/dark blond. I cannot stand short hair though due to how my natural wavyness is (not too noticeable when long, but when short it makes me look like some yankee actor) so I have to either have it super short and look like gestapo, or long so I can tie it and it isn't annoying. It's like 80-90cm long by now.

                                                      Thursday, 12-May-16 05:29:43 UTC from web
                                                      1. @nerthos Probably would have also placed you shorter had I not known (even with the picture), but still.

                                                        Thursday, 12-May-16 05:31:46 UTC from
                                                        1. @maiyannah I don't consider myself that tall to be honest. Just on the upper range of average.

                                                          Thursday, 12-May-16 05:33:12 UTC from web
                                                        2. @nerthos I don't really do photos, long story short, paranoia since I had a particularly bad stalker in the past, but this was done by an artist who knows me and what I look like and all that rot (no points for guessing which of the two I am haha, the other is me wife, @katiekats)

                                                          Thursday, 12-May-16 05:33:46 UTC from
                                                          1. @maiyannah Oh, I imagined you with darker hair, but otherwise similar to the drawing.

                                                            Thursday, 12-May-16 05:35:35 UTC from web
                                                            1. @nerthos Naturally I'm dirty blonde, mine also got darker as it grows out but not so much you wouldn't call it blonde.  I often dye it a natural brown or red colours.  I've experimented with other things, but it's hard to pull off an unnatural hair colour with long hair, even as highlights.

                                                              Thursday, 12-May-16 05:39:26 UTC from
                                                              1. @maiyannah Hmm. I never tried any dyes. I've always liked white hair, but dyeing would be expensive, annoying, and would likely look weird.

                                                                Thursday, 12-May-16 05:41:29 UTC from web
                                                                1. @nerthos White can actually look *really nice* dyed well, but you pretty much gotta go to a good stylist to get it done right, so, ... expensive.

                                                                  Thursday, 12-May-16 05:42:16 UTC from
                                                                  1. @maiyannah It would look good on me since my natural skin colour is very light, and my bloodline is prone to silverly hair when old, but I just don't want the expense and long term damage of dyes.

                                                                    Thursday, 12-May-16 05:43:58 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @nerthos It's nominal if it's done right, but doing it right involves money and a fair bit of time sitting around being fussed over, its why I don't bother much.  Occassionally if I have money to burn and want to indulge.

                                                                      Thursday, 12-May-16 05:54:45 UTC from
                                                                      1. @maiyannah I imagine considering how long my hair is it'd be a few hundred and sitting still for hours on end.

                                                                        Thursday, 12-May-16 05:56:01 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @nerthos Last time cost me about 80$, but they always charge women more.

                                                                          Thursday, 12-May-16 05:58:04 UTC from
                                                                          1. @maiyannah Yeah, there's absolutely no way I'm spending anywhere near a hundred dollars in hair care.

                                                                            Thursday, 12-May-16 05:59:40 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @nerthos It's still more value for money than Call of Duty or Battlefield, haha.

                                                                              Thursday, 12-May-16 06:01:26 UTC from
                                                                              1. @maiyannah I haven't ever spent more than us$40 in a game with Witcher 3 holding that record in preorder as I had played the other two and read the books. Exchange rates also make $80 a stupidly high amount of money to spend on hair as I can buy many things with it. A good coat, for example.

                                                                                Thursday, 12-May-16 06:04:08 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @nerthos Well thats 80 canadian so thats like 75 cents in real money to be fair

                                                                                  Thursday, 12-May-16 06:06:02 UTC from
                                                                                  1. @maiyannah Well that's still ar$880, which is about what my purple shirt cost the other day. (I've been obsessed with getting a shiny purple dressing shirt for the longest time, and this one is italian tight fit too)

                                                                                    Thursday, 12-May-16 06:09:57 UTC from web
                                                                                    1. @nerthos Nice.  My wardrobe is pretty boring other than some nice suits I used to have for my corp job and a couple of admittedly nice dresses that are kind of old.

                                                                                      Thursday, 12-May-16 06:15:07 UTC from
                                                                                      1. @maiyannah My wardrobe is mostly black jeans, metal band shirts, blue grey or green long sleeved shirts, dressing shirts, and jackets. Getting more fancy stuff as time goes by. I also have only one suit because I rarely have a reason to wear it.

                                                                                        Thursday, 12-May-16 06:18:30 UTC from web
                                                                                        1. @nerthos I often end up in jeans, a tshirt, and a blazer, because they're basically all I have for coats.  Haha.

                                                                                          Thursday, 12-May-16 06:20:15 UTC from
                                                                                          1. @maiyannah Blazers are fine. I have a huge variety of jackets/coats with no two of the same, from a hoodie to this military looking wooly thing I'm wearing under the black coat on the pic from earlier. I don't even know how to call this thing.

                                                                                            Thursday, 12-May-16 06:22:36 UTC from web
                                                                                            1. @nerthos "Comfy" sounds like it's appropriate.

                                                                                              Thursday, 12-May-16 06:32:40 UTC from
                                                                                              1. @maiyannah Oh, that's for sure. I'll try to get one or two more while I still can because it's one of those weird items that you never find again ever, and it fits with almost everything.

                                                                                                Thursday, 12-May-16 06:34:39 UTC from web
                                                                                                1. @nerthos I have one of my dad's old military jackets.  I wear it all the time in the winter even though it's big on me, cause it's comfy and reminds me of him.

                                                                                                  Thursday, 12-May-16 06:38:05 UTC from
                                                                                                  1. @maiyannah Military clothes are the best. Elegant, comfortable and warm. I really want a navy officer overcoat like @awl has.

                                                                                                    Thursday, 12-May-16 06:39:28 UTC from web
                                                                                                    1. @nerthos @awl @maiyannah i want a boat cloak one day too they look pretty impressive

                                                                                                      Thursday, 12-May-16 07:06:32 UTC from
                                                                                                    2. Can confirm; military is good clothing even if it's cheap issue

                                                                                                      Friday, 13-May-16 00:27:21 UTC from web
                                                                                                      1. @awl I have the bad luck of living in a country with no cool looking military clothes except for the historical uniforms.

                                                                                                        Friday, 13-May-16 21:03:30 UTC from web
                                                                                                        1. @nerthos not even the dress uniforms? That's a travesty if so.

                                                                                                          Friday, 13-May-16 23:40:49 UTC from web
                                                                                                          1. @awl The dress uniforms are ok, specially the air force ones, but they're really formal. I'm interested in good looking service uniforms, that are made to be comfortable and resistant.

                                                                                                            Saturday, 14-May-16 22:04:32 UTC from web
                                          2. @nerthos @maiyannah Teach me your ways.

                                            Thursday, 12-May-16 05:21:22 UTC from
                                            1. @maiyannah @nerthos I can't engorge myself unless I want to look like half a Jim Sterling

                                              Thursday, 12-May-16 05:21:46 UTC from
                                            2. @gameragodzilla @nerthos Metabolism is everything.  Unfortunately, yours has to be slow and bear-like, for it processes food from China.

                                              Thursday, 12-May-16 05:21:59 UTC from
                                              1. @maiyannah @nerthos I remember my Aunt joked that my family history "evolved" high metabolism because they were all poor farmers in a famine constant country. Storing fat easily was very useful in that instance. Not so much in rich America. lol

                                                Thursday, 12-May-16 05:24:42 UTC from
                                            3. @gameragodzilla Eat a bit of everything, if you start getting fat compensate with exercise. I don't need it but you might.

                                              Thursday, 12-May-16 05:23:34 UTC from web
                                              1. @nerthos I walk on the treadmill every say.

                                                Thursday, 12-May-16 05:25:10 UTC from
                        2. @maiyannah @nerthos UPDATED MY JOURNAL

                          Thursday, 12-May-16 05:41:51 UTC from