

  1. why are there so many white girls saying that they're asian on imstagram i'm just like ????

    Sunday, 15-May-16 01:31:26 UTC from
    1. @damara Years of indoctrination telling them that their race is bad, and a lack of fortitude to dismiss it.

      Sunday, 15-May-16 01:34:28 UTC from web
    2. @damara Also too much anime

      Sunday, 15-May-16 01:34:43 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos theres so many overly edited kawaii uguu faces i die

        Sunday, 15-May-16 01:38:11 UTC from
        1. @damara The filters. Oh god the filters.

          Sunday, 15-May-16 01:41:13 UTC from web
    3. @damara when you go to do a duckface you can easily accidentally squint your eyes

      Sunday, 15-May-16 01:35:20 UTC from
    4. @rarity Don't worry, regardless of how many you convince of hating themselves, the race will prevail.

      Sunday, 15-May-16 01:37:59 UTC from web
    5. @rarity Maybe in places where the racial distribution is even, but there are more than enough countries with an almost completely white population.

      Sunday, 15-May-16 01:40:36 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos that's why I said "at least in America"

        Sunday, 15-May-16 01:40:55 UTC from web
        1. @rarity I'll create a white paradise to last the ages.

          Sunday, 15-May-16 01:42:01 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos that too will be gone, it is an eventuality of a global world

            Sunday, 15-May-16 01:42:33 UTC from web
            1. @rarity We don't know for how long that'll last.

              Sunday, 15-May-16 01:43:43 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos unless something catastrophic happens to eliminate all life permanently, progress will continue. Humans have a drive to move forward, and develop newer technologies. New technologies will drive further communication and global movement of people, driving further "race-mixing" as people put it.

                Sunday, 15-May-16 01:45:47 UTC from web
                1. @rarity What really gets me is there's no such thing as "white culture". There is no aspect of culture that is intrinsically tied to skin color. the English, Swedish or French can be all of those things, without being white.

                  Sunday, 15-May-16 01:46:50 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity This. Although one can argue English French and Swedish cultures grew out of solely white people such is not the case for all cultures, nor did they grow solely because they were made of one peoples.

                    Sunday, 15-May-16 01:51:34 UTC from web
                    1. @awl Well, yes they developed as mostly one color. But that doesn't have to be the case to retain the heritage. France becoming brown doesn't mean we burn all books regarding pre-brown France.

                      Sunday, 15-May-16 01:53:41 UTC from web
                2. @rarity Race mixing is really dependant on culture though. For all we know in a few decades culture could evolve to be more xenophobic, just like it changed into being mix-positive lately. Those things come and go. No race will disappear because there will always be people who want to retain it.

                  Sunday, 15-May-16 01:47:24 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos There's no POINT in retaining it, is the thing.

                    Sunday, 15-May-16 01:47:50 UTC from web
                    1. @rarity No biological point, but there are many social and traditional reasons to do so. Like anything, really. There's no point in following certain atchitectural styles, but we do it anyway.

                      Sunday, 15-May-16 01:49:03 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos As I already said, there's nothing intrinsically tying social or traditional practices to skin color.

                        Sunday, 15-May-16 01:49:47 UTC from web
                        1. @rarity In our immigrant-based countries, sure. But we all know how everyone takes issue with other races "appropiating" their culture. It's a trait of human behaviour, to separate eachother.

                          Sunday, 15-May-16 01:52:01 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos it's a trait that deserves to be lost to time.

                            Sunday, 15-May-16 01:52:29 UTC from web
                            1. @rarity It might be, but it won't disappear. It's part of what makes us human. And let's be honest, an homogeneous species is just no fun.

                              Sunday, 15-May-16 01:53:27 UTC from web
                              1. @nerthos I dislike any argument from "human nature". It's BS. Racism and xenophobia are not in our DNA, as much as people insist.

                                Sunday, 15-May-16 01:54:22 UTC from web
                                1. @rarity It's not in our DNA but we get to it over and over. It doesn't have to be over race or anything. It's just that the easiest way to unite a group is making an enemy, and it's easier to convince masses that another group is against them if they look different. It'll always happen. The only way to solve it would be to have a population composed solely of highly instructed and intelligent people, but we all know it won't happen.

                                  Sunday, 15-May-16 01:56:18 UTC from web
                                  1. @nerthos it will in our collectivist utopia

                                    Sunday, 15-May-16 01:56:40 UTC from web
                                    1. @rarity it's just not viable. You said it, utopia. Regardless of the many advantages of mutual cooperation, any individual conflict can spark a division of a community. We'll always fight. The whole species will never agree on anything. And if we did, that'd cause us to cease moving forward. Everything would be fine and there'd be no reason to change anything, so our society would get completely stale.

                                      Sunday, 15-May-16 01:59:14 UTC from web
    6. @rarity No, I'm not talking about ideological differences, I'm talking about masking personal interest as ideological differences to trigger people into conflict, thus making it easier to stealthily further a goal, usually getting riches or power. Look at populism, left vs right, gamergate, whatever. It's always someone sparking a conflict to gain something, tagging someone as the enemy.

      Sunday, 15-May-16 02:06:00 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos That's where the downfall of capitalism comes in. No riches or power to be had, no despots have a chance

        Sunday, 15-May-16 02:06:42 UTC from web
        1. @rarity That simply won't happen without a god in your side.

          Sunday, 15-May-16 02:07:46 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos if you think capitalism requires godlike power to overthrow, buddy I don't know what to tell you

            Sunday, 15-May-16 02:08:34 UTC from web
            1. @rarity Not capitalism, human ambition.

              Sunday, 15-May-16 02:08:51 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos human ambition can exist outside of capitalism. People can want to create, innovate, whatever, without money driving them. People want to innovate simply for the improvement of society.

                Sunday, 15-May-16 02:09:58 UTC from web
                1. @rarity Even if things like money didn't exist, people would still try to achieve a following to have their way and have more influence than the next guy. Me and you might want to make for the sake of making, but not everyone is a good person, and not everyone wants to play fair.

                  Sunday, 15-May-16 02:10:54 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos again, behaviors that can be unlearned.

                    Sunday, 15-May-16 02:11:47 UTC from web
                    1. @rarity And that's why I say you'd need a god on your side, to be able to convince or force every single human to do so.

                      Sunday, 15-May-16 02:13:03 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos revolutions start slowly.

                        Sunday, 15-May-16 02:13:55 UTC from web
                        1. @rarity Well, as long as you have your revolution on the other hemisphere, good luck.

                          Sunday, 15-May-16 02:15:12 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos I'm coming for Glorious Argentina first baby

                            Sunday, 15-May-16 02:16:22 UTC from web
                            1. @rarity Time to organize the militias.

                              Sunday, 15-May-16 02:18:02 UTC from web
                              1. @nerthos I just envy that looooooooooooooooooooooong border

                                Sunday, 15-May-16 02:20:41 UTC from web
                                1. @rarity The only thing on the other side of that border is Chile, and they're that neighbour everyone else in the neighbourhood hates.

                                  Sunday, 15-May-16 02:22:39 UTC from web
                                  1. @nerthos Is this why? or is their complete butchering of language they pass off as Spanish

                                    Sunday, 15-May-16 02:25:10 UTC from web
                                    1. @rarity No. It's because they have one of the most steep gaps between low and high class in America, they butcher Spanish like you said, and they've been indoctrinated to hate their neighbors. One guy in my extended family was born there and ended up moving away and telling everyone he was Argentinean because he couldn't stand how xenophobic Chile was. They went to war with basically everyone around them, even though they're an independent nation thanks to the efforts of the other countries of the region, and have alienated everyone around them, mostly Peru, Bolivia and Argentina, their direct neighbors.

                                      Sunday, 15-May-16 02:29:17 UTC from web
                                    2. @rarity I mean, news don't reach all the way to where you live, but not long ago people there were openly rioting because of how bad access to education was, and getting repressed big time. You really wouldn't like the place.

                                      Sunday, 15-May-16 02:32:05 UTC from web
                                      1. @nerthos I don't like many governments

                                        Sunday, 15-May-16 02:33:45 UTC from web
                                        1. @rarity @nerthos most people don't/

                                          Sunday, 15-May-16 02:34:15 UTC from
                                        2. @rarity You'd hate this one particularly as it's bent on keeping a portion of the population educated and rich and the rest dumb and poor, using the security forces to keep peace.

                                          Sunday, 15-May-16 02:34:39 UTC from web