

  1. @orchetect Hey this is Thepuzzldpirate/Ryan Bergman from the The Vancouver Brony Group. I heard you were asking if we were doing anything. from what is solid, There is the BBQ on the 24th at Stanley Park Miniature Train Picnic site # starting at 4. We have a PNE day in the works wearing formal wear for giggles in plans, sometime in August. Other than that, the only thing I will be cooking up is another screening for the Season 3 Premier whenever we get an announcement when that will be. With a little more prep this time, hopefully things will be a better, more room with food and drinks, a little less stuffy. My dream would be to have a Brony Convention here in Van, but I have no idea how to manage that kind of event. Too in-experienced and not enough finances to support such a thing. Will be paying close attention to how EF Northwest goes when I'm down there and see if it is a possibility. If you have any other questions just message me, usually involved in planning in some form

    Saturday, 23-Jun-12 02:22:11 UTC from web