@xxrainbowdashxx I could have guessed that. I was just making a joke because most people hate Blood on the Dance Floor because they're bad. Also, their "deep" speech is really challow and generic.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:22:35 UTC from web-
@abigpony BOTDF is good, i used to be into them alot but now its meh! but there they good. if anything, BOTDF and Bronies should help out together, that's if both BOTDF & BRONIES want to express the fact that, there's nothing with what you like. Working forces always work. besides with the lead singer being a brony and all...
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:26:02 UTC from web-
@xxrainbowdashxx I just realized I've never actually listened to BOTDF. And so I did. And my ears are bleeding.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:27:29 UTC from web-
@moonprincess depend what songs u hear, i have to admit their songs are mainly discriminated as "hipster music" or "scene music" but some are decent, then again each to their own
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:29:19 UTC from web-
@xxrainbowdashxx Well, they're not really my style in the first place.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:31:44 UTC from web-
@moonprincess They weren't my style (bcuz all they would sing about is sex and sex and more sex) but after they sang about equality and unity its like, that's what MLP is like. we bronies should be equal to ANYONE else to watches any other show, rather than be discriminated, i think that's what we are fighting for. for people's understanding, but like i said each to their own
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:35:39 UTC from web
@xxrainbowdashxx Lead guy from BOTDF is a brony? Guess I can't like it anymore. No, but seriously, they're really shallow, thoughtless characters who "try and spread a good message" because they get so much hate and they're too dumb to realize it'd because of their music, not them as people. Of course, music taste is all opinion in terms of liking it, but their composition is butt.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:28:38 UTC from web-
@abigpony lol see the samething you think about them is the same way "normal" people think about us, "[Bronies are] really shallow, thoughtless characters who 'try and spread a good message'[. . .] " but meh! each to their own
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:33:12 UTC from web-
@xxrainbowdashxx Those ARE the bad bronies. The ones who try and spread it. The show should be the one spreading it because it's aimed towards little girls and isn't supposed to be that deep, just deep enough to maybe lodge itself somewhere ina child's head. We should be using them as shallow guidelines if that to possibly better ourselves. BOTDF tries to be political and just sound like 3rd graders who are copying what the people who get the least hate are doing.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:36:55 UTC from web-
@abigpony that's the prob. since when is there bad, good and normal bronies? at the all of the day, we are all bronies. we all like MLP and THAT is the thing that make us Bronies. there is NO good or bad, just Bronies.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:39:48 UTC from web-
@xxrainbowdashxx No, there's definitely bad.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:40:25 UTC from web-
@moonprincess @minti wait, you're Confetti Sparkler? I forgot to refollow you after i deleted my old account to create my new one
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:42:48 UTC from web-
@lyrica No, @moonprincess is. xD
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:43:07 UTC from web-
@minti oops put your name second, ment to put MoonPrincess
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:43:41 UTC from web-
@lyrica Heh, I didn't even notice you mentioned them. >.<
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:44:10 UTC from web-
@minti silly sister
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:44:19 UTC from web
@moonprincess in that case, we are ALL bad. Being a bronies "is bad" remember? being a brony itself is "bad", why is another bad, in what's already bad? at least in society. and if that's the case, are we being a hypocrite by saying, there are bad bronies, when we are bronies?
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:44:38 UTC from web-
@xxrainbowdashxx Um, no...if you're a brony gnashing your teeth because not everyone agrees with you about love and tolerance and magical friendship or not everyone likes the show and you're shoving it in everyone's faces, that's a bad brony.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:46:23 UTC from web-
@moonprincess are talking about society looking down at bronies? or bronies looking down another bronies?
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:49:01 UTC from web
@xxrainbowdashxx You are confused of perspectives. That something is bad in the eyes of "the society" does not mean that it has to be bad for this group. As a group, we develop different standarts of "good" and "bad". as a result, there is no objective "good" or "bad" - especially not in the question what tv shows you should watch - it is all a construction of social groups.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:46:54 UTC from web-
@hakupony @moonprincess @xxrainbowdashxx I find that while social standards may vary, morality is tied to truth and truth is not relative in my opinion.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:51:54 UTC from web-
@pony Well - watching ponies is no question of morality but of other social norms...
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:52:47 UTC from web-
@hakupony I think it goes back to that constant or lack of constant that we were discussing a while ago.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:54:06 UTC from web-
@pony It goes back to the simple question if there is a god. You can have a constant truth in unverse but this does not require a moralic truth :)
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:55:32 UTC from web-
@hakupony *ponders* I suppose you're right.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:58:18 UTC from web
@moonprincess @xxrainbowdashxx There are always the fans in every fandom that ruin the whole fandom's image. For furry, it's yiff. For ponies, it's those guys who shove mlp in people's faces.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:46:14 UTC from web
@xxrainbowdashxx We are people. There are people I like and those I don't like. I don't think that this has anything to do with the question if you like ponies...
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:42:28 UTC from web -
@xxrainbowdashxx Well there's bronies as a whole and I realize there's diversity like there is in every grouping ever, but there are those that give the rest of us a bad image to the majority of the outside, less-informed world and those are the ones that most consider "bad." I understand that there are those who like what they like and I have no way of that, but when you make affiliates look like jacka**es, you make everyone else think they're all jacka**es. It's the same with things like BOTDF fans for example. I've met a fair share of those who like them and they're cool people and people who take their messages to heart are usually better, more tolerant people, it's just with them it's the band and their music I have a problem with.
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:50:07 UTC from web