


    Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:49:36 UTC from web
    1. @hugmaster Worlds Largest Lyrica (In Minecraft)

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:50:19 UTC from web
      1. @lyrica Actually this one is bigger (It goes the highest distance minecraft can go from bottom to top) 0 to 255 blocks

        Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:52:03 UTC from web
        1. @hugmaster

          Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:52:32 UTC from web
          1. @hugmaster pfft, that's only on your PC and no one can see it but you

            Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:53:38 UTC from web
            1. @lyrica YOU JUST SAW IT.

              Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:55:07 UTC from web
              1. @hugmaster Images of it doesn't count!

                Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:55:19 UTC from web
                1. @lyrica TIEM FOR VIDEO.

                  Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:56:56 UTC from web
                  1. @hugmaster doesn't count unless I could walk up to it when I eventually (if ever) get minecraft

                    Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:57:25 UTC from web
                    1. @lyrica >Will take the minecraft world, to my normal server and allow people on and stuff, THEN YOU CAN WALK UP TO IT.

                      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:58:29 UTC from web
          2. @hugmaster That looks like it was generated with a program.

            Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:54:11 UTC from web
            1. @minti It was xD

              Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:54:50 UTC from web
              1. @hugmaster Bah lame. DO IT BY HAND FILLY xD

                Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:55:03 UTC from web
                1. @minti I did one by hand, this is what the work looked like

                  Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:55:50 UTC from web
                  1. @hugmaster Yee that's more like it.

                    Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:56:55 UTC from web
                    1. @minti Finish work here

                      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:57:46 UTC from web
                      1. @hugmaster Not sure if shadow or remnents of worldedit underneath it.. xD

                        Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:59:38 UTC from web
                        1. @minti It's the shaders mod, here it is without shaders mod

                          Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 07:00:48 UTC from web
                          1. @hugmaster Ah, silly shaders xD

                            Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 07:01:15 UTC from web
                          2. @hugmaster I thought something was missing, the 2nd purple shade in the tail, YOU FAILED ME! :c

                            Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 07:02:10 UTC from web
                            1. @lyrica No the lack of wool in Minecraft failed you

                              Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 07:03:55 UTC from web
                              1. @hugmaster MAN NOW I DUN WANT MInECRaFt ANYMORe

                                Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 07:05:21 UTC from web
                                1. @lyrica Yeah you still do.

                                  Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 07:05:39 UTC from web
                                  1. @hugmaster hey hello how are you ?

                                    Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 07:06:39 UTC from web
                                    1. @bluetearainbowdash I'm actually going to bed right now.

                                      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 07:07:01 UTC from web
                        2. @minti We don't have worldedit yet, unfortunately. I've requested it a couple times now while working on redstone stuff.

                          Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 07:13:36 UTC from web
            2. @minti that was my thought too. I just never questioned it

              Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 06:54:56 UTC from web