

  1. I'm seriously contemplating a Ghost Trick/MLP crossover fic/art series. Welp. That's probably a sign that I should get off the computer and get ready for bed.

    Friday, 03-Jun-11 01:58:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @doctorwhooffanatic Goodnight Amber!

      Friday, 03-Jun-11 01:59:13 UTC from web
    2. @doctorwhooffanatic How about PW/MLP crossover.

      Friday, 03-Jun-11 01:59:40 UTC from web
      1. @rainclop Pheonix Wright, I'm guessing? Possibly. @carcinopony @nvrrmbr Night!

        Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:02:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @doctorwhooffanatic Phoenix Wright? does somebody need a boot to the head?

          Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:03:38 UTC from web
          1. @madflavors OH OH ME!

            Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:05:36 UTC from web
    3. @doctorwhooffanatic later dude

      Friday, 03-Jun-11 01:59:50 UTC from StatusNet Android