

  1. Good evening everypony. My sister is bringing the sun down and soon the moon will rise to bring light to the dark night. (On Equestrian Dawn Mush)

    Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:07:15 UTC from web
    1. @eqndawnluna hello again you

      Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:08:26 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcinopony Greetings

        Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:10:53 UTC from web
        1. @eqndawnluna does everyone enjoy night time MUSHing?

          Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:12:02 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @carcinopony I have a feeling more would enjoy it if they had the ability too. But like appljack many work the same as the sun, dawn to dusk.

            Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:37:09 UTC from web
            1. @eqndawnluna oh. Any one trying to get the Luna to be friends with them?

              Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:38:34 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @carcinopony I am afraid our cast of night ponies is quite small though there is hopes more will be joining us soon. After all, even a godess needs some friends too.

                Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:45:58 UTC from web
                1. @eqndawnluna so, not a lot of talk towards you? thats too bad. Really.

                  Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:47:35 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @carcinopony It has given me time to study and work on things but there are times I wish I could just talk with someone. About nothing inportant. But a Princess has to catch up and a 1000 years is a lot of time to try and catch up on.

                    Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:51:35 UTC from web
                    1. @eqndawnluna but...human, err, pony contact. We all need it. Even Trolls like me.

                      Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:53:36 UTC from StatusNet Android
                      1. @carcinopony Ponies, dragons, and even Trolls know the value of a good cup of tea with friends.

                        Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:58:39 UTC from web
                        1. @eqndawnluna tea. Yeah. Tea.

                          Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:59:37 UTC from StatusNet Android
                    2. @eqndawnluna Just watch out for that microwave (・・?)

                      Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:53:42 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                      1. @nvrrmbr not a problem....or well not my problem anymore*blush*

                        Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:59:10 UTC from web
                        1. @eqndawnluna Okay, good! I was concerned for your safety. Don't want a lovely princess like yourself to get hurt.

                          Friday, 03-Jun-11 03:02:24 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                          1. @nvrrmbr Thank you.

                            Friday, 03-Jun-11 03:03:04 UTC from web
                            1. @eqndawnluna No, it was nothing.

                              Friday, 03-Jun-11 03:04:30 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @eqndawnluna So do you raise the moon on the other side of the world at sun rise?

      Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:08:29 UTC from web
      1. @rainclop Other side of the world?

        Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:11:48 UTC from web