

  1. Watching the documentary on the battle of Gettysburg on the History Channel and it's fudgin awesome!

    Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:27:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @extremedash Oh. It seems I'm missing it.

      Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:27:47 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @nvrrmbr Just saw some guy his thumb blown off... Nasty stuff

        Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:29:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @extremedash god i love history.

      Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:29:18 UTC from web
      1. @madflavors History is my favorite subject, and the civil war is one my favorite things to study.

        Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:33:52 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @extremedash Me too :O - It's pretty interesting though.

      Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:30:02 UTC from web
      1. @haganbmj Yah I'm really enjoying it.

        Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:34:49 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @extremedash Yeah same - it's well produced too - that helps lol

          Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:35:39 UTC from web
          1. @haganbmj There definitely not holding back on the gore either like most history channel documentaries, which adds a good level of realism to it.

            Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:38:41 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @extremedash Yeah - most will just elude to the gore, this is really taking it there. It's a good touch, really shows a quality to the production.

              Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:39:54 UTC from web
              1. @haganbmj You can tell they put some time into this.

                Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:49:17 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @extremedash Yeah, quality. This is one of the better documentaries I've seen in some time.

                  Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:50:07 UTC from web
                  1. @haganbmj If they took out the commentary this would be an actual movie that you would see in theaters lol

                    Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:52:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            2. @extremedash *stands on soap box*and thats why i believe everyone should see Saving Private Ryan at least once in their lifetime, especially with all these games coming out that in away glorify war, and honestly war sucks. *gets off soap box*

              Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:41:22 UTC from web
              1. @madflavors I've tried to watch the movie but it made me feel kinda sick. I probably should finish the whole thing.

                Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:42:35 UTC from web
                1. @rainclop i always figured that was the point, and yes, yes you should finish.

                  Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:43:21 UTC from web
                  1. @madflavors a great movie to watch that shows the brutality of war is We Were Soldiers because it a true story and shows what the Military families went through because of war.

                    Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:51:24 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    1. @extremedash A great World War II movie is "Grave of the Fireflies" it's about two Japanese children who survive the Tokyo firebombing.

                      Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:52:37 UTC from web
              2. @madflavors I love saving Private Ryan.

                Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:43:00 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @carcinopony @abigpony i am not afraid to admit i cry manly tears during that movie

                  Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:44:45 UTC from web
                  1. @madflavors I wanted to watch it in school.

                    Friday, 03-Jun-11 02:45:38 UTC from StatusNet Android