

  1. What the actual apples has been going on here?

    Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 22:55:24 UTC from web
    1. @purplephish20 ponies

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 22:56:23 UTC from web
    2. @purplephish20 You know the average debates over sexual preference, clopping, etc.

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 22:56:31 UTC from web
    3. @woona Yesh indeed How are you ^-^

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 22:58:44 UTC from web
    4. @woona you on ipod?

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 23:00:52 UTC from web
    5. @woona # I am doing great! It always is when talking to my very special somepony ^-^.

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 23:01:06 UTC from web
    6. @woona >.< Awe shucks ^-^ #

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 23:05:04 UTC from web