

  1. grate, now everyone has to say stupid bananas about the south. thanks guys. we sourthn folk are just you say we are. so I'll just acept the fact I'm a worthless dumb murdock loser. I wont get any where in life. if I'm shot I deserve it

    Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:17:43 UTC from web
    1. @cajunbrony23 Yes. Every single user has personally slandered you.

      Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:18:21 UTC from web
      1. @scribus look at the posts, they all say something insulting the south. like I said, if I'm shot i deserve it.

        Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:19:33 UTC from web
        1. @cajunbrony23 Okay, looking at all the posts. @america said "Hugs." Damn, that's a mean one! @redenchilada said "...Anyway, yeah, bed." Gorramit, how'd that guy get to be a mod!? @hakupony said "and so I returned." No doubt, returned from a long day of talking down on the American South. Wow, it's amazing that this place isn't called "Yankee Superiority Network."

          Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:21:12 UTC from web
          1. @scribus look fether

            Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:21:41 UTC from web
            1. @cajunbrony23 Red said his dad has a Jeep. I said I'm playing TMNT3. @Carcino and @Nerthos are talking about a computer game.

              Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:22:55 UTC from web
              1. @scribus ok time to repost

                Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:23:21 UTC from web
          2. @scribus Talking down the american south? Nah - I don't care for nations or regions.

            Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:24:47 UTC from web
    2. @cajunbrony23 Hugs

      Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:19:23 UTC from web
    3. @cajunbrony23 what? No! Why does it matter if you're from the South? There's descrimination everywhere! I'm from Nebraska, we're called Hillbilly Redneck Farmers all the time!

      Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:19:46 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @fireemblem237 Don't even bother. He'll find a way to feel down no matter what you say.

        Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:22:43 UTC from web
    4. @cajunbrony23 You have a cool moustache and a white suit?

      Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:20:34 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos I'm only 17 (18 in augest) and no money, no so yes I am a stupid hick. someone pleas shoot me now

        Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:21:22 UTC from web
        1. @cajunbrony23 I rather hug you.

          Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:21:52 UTC from web
          1. @america I dont deserv it

            Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:22:03 UTC from web
        2. @cajunbrony23 *shoots you with the party canon*

          Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:22:45 UTC from web
          1. @hakupony I'm not jokeing

            Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:23:05 UTC from web
            1. @cajunbrony23 And I wouldn't shoot you or approve of you wanting to die. You can change your life - it needs time but your are freaking 17 - enough time to make a difference - hell you are 7 years younger as me...

              Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:30:06 UTC from web
        3. @cajunbrony23 well fine! If you're a hick, then I'm a hillbilly redneck farmer (from Nebraska)

          Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:23:20 UTC from StatusNet Android
        4. @cajunbrony23 Are you proposing a duel?

          Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 06:23:23 UTC from web