

  1. [goes on SPC main timeline]
    [sees people complain about Mr. Robot being "too Jewish" or whatever]
    me: I could get used to this

    Saturday, 22-Oct-16 23:50:14 UTC from web
    1. @tiffany

      Saturday, 22-Oct-16 23:52:08 UTC from
      1. @pennyfortheguy rami malek's acting skills wasted as David Fincher literally already did Mr. Robot in 1999

        Saturday, 22-Oct-16 23:53:49 UTC from web
        1. @tiffany Consider the fact that Mr Robot was THE most popular show on TV. And Rami melek received an Emmy Award for his portrayal as Elliot. If it wasn't for Rami .. Mr Robot would not be as half as successful as it is. Him, and Sam Esmail (Writer) are the two main driving forces attributed to it's huge, and ongoing success.

          Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:05:18 UTC from
          1. @pennyfortheguy Yeah I wasn't trying to downplay the show's success, I just consider it to be pretentious trash that fetishises anarchy while ironically not having a single unique thought of its own to offer

            Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:08:38 UTC from web
            1. @tiffany You're kiwiting me.. Right?

              Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:11:09 UTC from
              1. @pennyfortheguy Just giving my honest impression of what I've seen

                Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:11:50 UTC from web
                1. @tiffany Sure. We're all entitled to our own opinions. ;-)

                  Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:13:33 UTC from
                  1. @pennyfortheguy thanks m8

                    Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:14:05 UTC from web
            2. @tiffany tbh I haven't seen Mr. Robot but when I saw the titular character was called an "innsurectionary anarchist" I lost interest because I figured it was another V for Vendetta jerkoff, further commodifying a legitimate ideology and turning it edgy

              Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:11:33 UTC from web
              1. @rarity Honestly you're right on the money there

                Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:13:52 UTC from web
                1. @tiffany plus all modern media wants to focus on is insurrectionary anarchism and "propaganda of the deed", which had it's place at the turn of the 19th century but basically no Anarchist thinkers nowadays advocate for permanent revolution and apple like that. Not since we killed McKinley

                  Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:14:58 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity I can't comment much but I do like to think Fincher did a good job with his 1999 classic cult film because its ultimate ideology was "individuality is good but extremism in all its forms is bad", if you ask me anyway. I'm sure Fite Club is like anarchism 101 for babbies (if that) though

                    Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:19:07 UTC from web
                    1. @tiffany banana's ideology is anarchy in the misunderstood sense; an angry man amasses an army of followers and get's them to do whatever he wants. what does Tyler Durden envision the world looking like once he blows up all that stuff? my guess is, the character never thought that far ahead.

                      The way I see it, "F the system" =/= anarchy. there's a reason Ⓐ is the most commonly known symbol of anarchy, it symbolises "anarchy is order". Trumpeteers want to tear the system down, but that doesn't mean they are my comrades.

                      Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:23:40 UTC from web
                      1. @rarity I am perpetually amused by the thinking behind anti-organisation organisations

                        Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:27:00 UTC from web
                        1. @tiffany anti-hierarchy doesn't mean anti-organization, if the organization is such that everyone is equal

                          Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:29:51 UTC from web
                          1. @rarity ah okay, fair enough

                            Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:31:37 UTC from web
              2. @rarity Might I suggest that you do actually watch the first episode of season 1. Do that. And then come back and give us your thoughts. OK  ;-)

                Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:25:49 UTC from
                1. @pennyfortheguy are you a capitalist

                  Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:28:44 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity And that has anything to do with this because ..?

                    Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:30:16 UTC from
                    1. @pennyfortheguy because I feel like "anarcho"-capitalists have a very poor understanding of anarchism, and therefore I need to take their opinions on theory with a grain of salt

                      Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:33:46 UTC from web
                      1. @rarity OK.. Don't judge, if you don't actually know. It's akin to making a judgment about the quality of food from a restaurant, when one has never actually eaten at said restaurant. You do get my point?

                        Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:41:47 UTC from
                        1. @pennyfortheguy I suppose I do understand.

                          Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:44:55 UTC from web
                          1. @rarity Srsly Give it a whirl. Watch episode 1 from season 1. You might be pleasantly surprised. ;-)

                            Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:47:37 UTC from
                            1. @pennyfortheguy I can't tell if you're memeing on me

                              Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:51:06 UTC from web
                              1. @rarity No. I'm not. I'm just asking you to at least sit down and watch one episode of Mr Robot, is all. Nothing more, nothing less. Simple.

                                Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:56:57 UTC from
                                1. @pennyfortheguy honestly I don't watch a lot of TV anyway. It very well might be entertaining, yes, but I doubt I'm going to get much philosophical growth from it. although I could be wrong

                                  Sunday, 23-Oct-16 00:58:13 UTC from web
                                  1. @rarity Well, you'll never know, if you don't at least try. You do know that you can watch it online via Netflix, right?

                                    Sunday, 23-Oct-16 01:00:48 UTC from
                                    1. @pennyfortheguy if it's on Netflix I guess I'll give it a go

                                      Sunday, 23-Oct-16 01:00:57 UTC from web
                                      1. @rarity Good man. '-)

                                        Sunday, 23-Oct-16 01:01:52 UTC from