

  1. here's something I love about RDN: everyone here is certifiably insane. Myself included. Nothing says good times like a bunch of crazies :D

    Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:30:28 UTC from web
    1. @nakkecil22 Couldn't have said it better myself. :3

      Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:32:01 UTC from web
    2. @nakkecil22 I suppose. What about those who are actually mentally ill?

      Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:37:52 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @renovatedkitchen It is sad that they have to suffer because of it. I'm quite en par with the WHO there: if you don't suffer from it, your mind can be as strange as you like and I've no problem with it (chances are high I actually like it.)

        Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:40:29 UTC from web
        1. @hakuponynot saying its a bad thing to say we are all crazy/insane. But there's the fun insane and the not.

          Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:42:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @renovatedkitchen The criteria for mental illness are quite clear, the individual must either feel distress at their condition or be unable to function normally in society before any diagnosis can be made.

            Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:44:36 UTC from web
            1. @toksyuryel yes. I'm saying that there's that difference between silly insane and scary insane.

              Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:45:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            2. @toksyuryel @renovatedkitchen You know, even seriously insane people can make a very nice company - and I often find these people to be those who learned not to judge you for stupid reasons and who truly know the value of friendship. As longs as you efrain from cutting my throat, we can be friends even when you are insane :D

              Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:49:27 UTC from web
              1. @hakupony I know. But people use the term insane, it seems like they don't know what /actual/ insane feels like.

                Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:55:44 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      2. @renovatedkitchen they're in the herd.

        Friday, 06-Jul-12 12:06:27 UTC from web