

  1. Crash course in game design part 1: Don't make the game start with a 40 minute unskippable cutscene and then force the player on a boring tutorial

    Friday, 06-Jul-12 16:40:24 UTC from web
    1. @dariusponyperson the tip that every Metal Gear doesn't follow

      Friday, 06-Jul-12 16:42:49 UTC from web
      1. @anubins Thats because hideo kojima is not the dimwitted tool that wrote prototype

        Friday, 06-Jul-12 16:44:10 UTC from web
        1. @dariusponyperson I'd say it's more because Metal Gear has a focus on BEING cinematic, so long cutscenes are kind of what you're there for

          Friday, 06-Jul-12 16:49:34 UTC from web
          1. @anubins Metal Gear Solid was awesome, Snake Eater was the best #

            Friday, 06-Jul-12 16:51:54 UTC from web
            1. @communistprime Well, Subsistence, but that was the updated rerelease, so yeah. Ladder boss was the hardest thing in any vidya gaem ever

              Friday, 06-Jul-12 17:07:02 UTC from web
              1. @anubins Unfortunately I never played any of the new ones (Substance and Subsistence), though I really wanted to. Ladder boss was best boss.

                Friday, 06-Jul-12 22:13:47 UTC from web