

  1. Clinton supporters still not getting it: racism and misogyny did not win. The Establishment lost.

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 05:49:31 UTC from
    1. @sklaing It could be both.

      Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 05:51:34 UTC from web
    2. @sklaing Also true. Many trump voters DO consider him a sexist and racist jerk, but voted for him against the establishment, despite not sharing his personal views, as a way to show that politicians can't get their way every time trampling the rights of the individual.

      Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 05:52:32 UTC from web
    3. @sklaing Indeed. There will be no rise of fascism. The sky will not fall.

      Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 06:02:13 UTC from web