

  1. Tribalism is a scourge on humanity.

    Thursday, 10-Nov-16 13:52:18 UTC from
    1. @takePotato Knishesakenji This. And the idea of "multiculturalism" only made it worse by encouraging people to band up in tribes instead of assimilating.

      Thursday, 10-Nov-16 13:58:23 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos If the tribes would just accept difference in others and interact peaceably, this wouldn't be a problem. I would say, as things go, this may exacerbate the situation, but it isn't a root cause. Not that I have any damned idea what the root cause is right now.

        Thursday, 10-Nov-16 13:59:56 UTC from web
        1. But that's my problem. Everything eventually looks like a symptom after I stare at it long enough, instead of the root of the illness.

          Thursday, 10-Nov-16 14:00:57 UTC from web
        2. @scribus Tribes never did though, it's the reason people haven't stopped killing eachother over petty crap in thousands of years of human history. Humans tend to become dumber the more of them stand together, so the only real solution is to endorse a feeling of unity: "we are all [nation, species] first, and [race, religion, sexuality, party] second" Where I live we have a whole lot of nationalities and religions, but people in general identify by their belonging to the country, and as immigrants, first. They consider we're all immigrants (with the exception of immigrants but there's a deeply ingrained respect by the common individual towards the aborigin) and make "clubs" to celebrate the traditions of their place of origin but without considering themselves part of that small group before anything else. That has allowed the country to go on without ethnic conflicts for decades. We only started having social unrest a decade ago when a party decided to start with the whole (cont)

          Thursday, 10-Nov-16 14:08:15 UTC from web
        3. @scribus "We're the good ones, we're inclusive, we stand for minorities and blah blah, and everyone who doesn't agree with us is a bigot and an oligarch andwants to trample on your rights!" and that ended up in a lot of people getting sick and having an election that was the same as the one you just had.

          Thursday, 10-Nov-16 14:10:58 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos If we could just see it as "We belong to Earth and to Humanity first," but our brains just aren't wired to think of "Us" as being much more than about 100 people (unless you go abstract). I guess I'm just seeing a way we can be better, and hoping we go that way, rather than playing around in the mud until Our Father, Who Art Et Cetera comes to call and end to recess. Man, my metaphors are getting muddy... Hey, I just woke up.

            Thursday, 10-Nov-16 14:17:10 UTC from web
            1. @scribus The problem is that society has been telling people for decades that differences make them special and to celebrate them, when we should be telling them that differences are irrelevant in comparison to our similarities. Racial, sexual, religious or whatever pride is a cancer.

              Thursday, 10-Nov-16 14:24:58 UTC from web
          2. @nerthos @scribus *tramples on ur property rights*

            Thursday, 10-Nov-16 14:43:43 UTC from
            1. @eris I have no idea what to make of this, so consider yourself sprayed with a hose.

              Thursday, 10-Nov-16 16:44:10 UTC from web
      2. @nerthos @takebatcaveakenji The melting pot has been turned into a salad bar. Everything is segregated from everything else.

        Thursday, 10-Nov-16 14:01:40 UTC from
        1. @dolus That's a damn good metaphor.

          Thursday, 10-Nov-16 14:14:42 UTC from web
        2. @dolus @nerthos And everyone is to blame.

          Thursday, 10-Nov-16 14:03:08 UTC from