

  1. If I don't show up for a while it's because I strangled someone and went to jail. My mood is that bad.

    Saturday, 19-Nov-16 04:09:36 UTC from web
    1. @nerthos Hey, here if you want to talk.

      Saturday, 19-Nov-16 04:15:02 UTC from
      1. @maiyannah Thanks, but don't worry about it. I was just lacking sleep as I had to get up early in the morning (which never agreed with my body) and couldn't deal with any of the crap I had to deal with. My reaction in such cases is just being really hostile until I calm down, hence why I'm rarely online when upset.

        Sunday, 20-Nov-16 01:50:43 UTC from web
      2. @maiyannah And I was mostly angry because my girlfriend has an incredible ability to display the forethought of a goldfish and will never plan something out and discuss it with me before acting, she'd rather act out step 1 of anything on her own while I haven't even mentioned step 2 and then say step 2 can't be done because of the way she chose to do step 1

        Sunday, 20-Nov-16 01:59:45 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos dating is a fools game

          Sunday, 20-Nov-16 02:08:47 UTC from web
          1. @rarity @nerthos Meet'n'cherry games on Newgrounds an accurate representation of dating, right?

            Sunday, 20-Nov-16 02:10:43 UTC from web
          2. @rarity I've been handling it decently for nearing two years but sometimes things annoy me a lot. I suppose it's hard to me to deal with people screwing up due to lack of planning since it's really easy to me to prevent that

            Sunday, 20-Nov-16 02:17:45 UTC from web