

  1. @eqndawnluna @princessluna There are two Lunas? Mind = Blown

    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 01:58:46 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @nvrrmbr you can never have # !

      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 01:59:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @princessluna nope

        Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:00:23 UTC from web
      2. @princessluna yaaaay, more lunas!

        Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:04:44 UTC from web
      3. @princessluna In fact, I'd say that there's # !

        Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:11:43 UTC from web
        1. @astra @carcinopony @madflavors @princessluna @nvrrmbr Well you do not that exsistance is a layering of dimentionaltimelines splititng off at important pivotal events. Well we are both the luna. Just different dimentions.

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:40:49 UTC from web
          1. @eqndawnluna That is so cool. Does that mean there are an infinite amount of Lunas? DO WANT <3

            Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:41:49 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          2. @eqndawnluna technically, you and I dont even exist in the same universe. inter-dimensional time shenanigans are no stranger to me.

            Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:42:27 UTC from web
          3. @eqndawnluna Different aspects of the same entity, as it were.

            Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:43:48 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @colfax @carcinopony @nvrrmbr Well there are the possability of infinite Lunas but a finite probability of them, Some desisions would of made no luna. I am the Luna From the Equestrian Dawn Dimention.

              Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:46:23 UTC from web
              1. @eqndawnluna and I'm Karkat Vantas who isnt dead. in the past.

                Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:48:44 UTC from web
              2. @eqndawnluna Ok, now I have an image in my head of a fractal Luna

                Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:49:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              3. @eqndawnluna Oh, okay. That makes sense! Thanks Princess Luna! You're still my favorite Princess.

                Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:49:51 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          4. @eqndawnluna But of course! Whether you're a student of magic with an understanding that the universe we observe is not only not the entirety of this universe, or even of all universes in an particular instant, or a student of the sciences, where many-worlds interpretation of the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics show infinite diversity of a given moment in spacetime is theoretically possible, it is, of course, easy to understand where there can be an infinite number of permutations of a given person, and just as many of where a given person cannot exist. I mean, the dimensional folds through which moongates travel through-- *blinks, blushes, then pulls hood down, and quiets* 'Kay, I'll hush now.

            Monday, 06-Jun-11 03:22:52 UTC from web
            1. @astra Wow. My mind was just blown. You're a genius.

              Monday, 06-Jun-11 03:23:51 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              1. @elusivemrmadden Well, that would depend upon which universe our consciousness is observing, which number base we're using, and whether or not you believe it's ever possible to reach the number "1" due to the fact that the space between it and "0" is, technically, infinite. Uhm, I mean . . . 2.44948974. @nvrrmbr Uhm . . . I just . . . know some stuff. *sweatdrop* Look! Isn't that Sapphire Shores? *scoots off*

                Monday, 06-Jun-11 03:37:54 UTC from web
                1. @astra Don't try to avoid my compliments.

                  Monday, 06-Jun-11 03:39:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @nvrrmbr Crisis on Infinite Lunas.

      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:00:10 UTC from web
    3. *hunkers down, turns off all the lights, and listens to the rain and thunder outside, happily watching the flashes of lightning briefly illuminate her room* Pretty . . .

      Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:18:45 UTC from web
      1. @astra Storms are lovely.

        Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:20:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @nvrrmbr They really are! Where I grew up, we used to get a lot of them, so I got over my fear of them a long time ago. We don't get the chain lightning here like we did there. Those are REALLY pretty. Anyway, just rain is nice, too. Just open the windows and listen. Very relaxing. :)

          Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:27:57 UTC from web
          1. @astra I'm no longer afraid of storms because once you're within 20 feet of lighting, you tend to no longer fear it. Sadly, over where I am, the storms are pretty small, but when they're big, they're enormous.

            Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:30:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @nvrrmbr Oh, yes, I've been there, too. :) Startling when it happens, but kind of euphoric and liberating after. And, yes, we don't get many storms where I am now, either, so it's all the more special when they do roll through. :)

              Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:34:37 UTC from web
              1. @astra I remember one time last year where I was at the beach and there were three lightning strikes at the same time. It was amazing!

                Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:37:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @nvrrmbr Ohhh, lightning over the ocean is pretty enough as it is. Three bolts at once? I bet that WAS amazing to see!

                  Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:50:57 UTC from web
                  1. @astra I'm pretty sure I got a picture, but it was pretty terrible quality, so I may have deleted it.

                    Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:53:33 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    1. @nvrrmbr Awww! Well, still, just to have witnessed it sounds like it'd be a heck of a memory!

                      Monday, 06-Jun-11 05:58:30 UTC from web
                      1. @astra Is the storm still going in there?

                        Monday, 06-Jun-11 05:59:49 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                        1. @nvrrmbr *on

                          Monday, 06-Jun-11 06:00:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. *peeks out* @elusivemrmadden I wouldn't necessarily call it "advanced", really, but thanks. :) @nvrrmbr Eep! Okay. Thank you. :)

      Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:21:27 UTC from web
      1. @astra Your welcome. If only the storm outside my house was more than just rain.

        Monday, 06-Jun-11 04:22:38 UTC from StatusNet iPhone