

  1. no offense but shut up

    Monday, 12-Dec-16 07:03:40 UTC from
    1. some poor dude at twitter hq was like "oh this guy wants to get verified, and he is the actual person, so i'm gonna verify him" IT DONT MEAN THAT THEY SUPPORT THE GUY? IT JUST MEANS HES V E R I F I E D PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID SOMETIMES

      Monday, 12-Dec-16 07:04:42 UTC from
      1. @gay they only actually suspended him because he had two accounts, apparently. he's back because he closed one or something like that.

        Monday, 12-Dec-16 07:39:07 UTC from
    2. @gay "white nationalist" ok so white is now a nationality

      Monday, 12-Dec-16 07:16:49 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Does that mean that "furry" is not a nationality too ?

        Monday, 12-Dec-16 10:48:52 UTC from web
        1. @critialcloudkicker Not until they're all deported to a far away island

          Monday, 12-Dec-16 19:55:47 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos And that is the story on how FurryVania was born.

            Monday, 12-Dec-16 21:28:03 UTC from web