

  1. This song has been on loop for the past like two days. Stupid !homestuck.

    Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 23:57:49 UTC from web
    1. @minti Stop making me want to give Homestuck a second chance!

      Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 23:59:22 UTC from web
      1. @pony XD It's pretty awesome, takes forever to get caught up though cause of the 5000 some odd pages currently out. :/

        Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:00:52 UTC from web
        1. @minti Isn't Homestuck just one part of it? What's MSpaint adventures? If I'm going to let it devour my time I should know the basics i think

          Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:01:48 UTC from web
          1. @pony He has more than one adventure. There's currently four, 1 finished, 2 unfinished, and 1 on-going (homestuck.) For the most part, they're unrelated but more often than not there's a few memes that come from one story that make their way into homestuck. xD

            Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:05:17 UTC from web
            1. @minti okay. So should I read any of the other adventures first?

              Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:06:12 UTC from web
              1. @pony My personal opinion is that, no not really. I've only read Homestuck and I get most of it so, yeah. xD

                Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:08:23 UTC from web
              2. @pony None of them directly relate, so you _could_ read them independently, but there's callbacks in most adventures (except, afaik, Bard Quest, which is unfinished, and probably won't be) to the earlier ones, so you don't have anything to lose but time, if you read them in chronological order.

                Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:09:09 UTC from web
              3. @pony Jailbreak is very crude, Problem Sleuth is a bit winding, Bard Quest is both (and unfinished). Homestuck is the first one to have had a prolonged period of no user commands (the input commands stopped coming from users pretty early on, and Hussie has stated he has no intention of re-opening the suggestion box), and really benefits from it in terms of focus and quality. So, don't avoid the others, but don't feel you have to read them to get Homestuck, because you don't.

                Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:11:39 UTC from web
                1. @bitshift cool. thanks!

                  Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:12:59 UTC from web
            2. @minti 2 finished, 1 unfinished. Jailbreak is actually complete now.

              Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:06:38 UTC from web
              1. @bitshift News to me. xD

                Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:07:41 UTC from web
        2. @minti I'm at 6472 or something, and I still need to read at least 1000 more.

          Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:04:44 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos 5251 pages in all of Homestuck so far. xD

            Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:07:11 UTC from web
            1. @minti Oh, then probably the page number is global.

              Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:08:03 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos The 1st page of homestuck is 1906. Dunno why Hussie did it that way, but it is. XD

                Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:09:01 UTC from web
                1. @minti Everything makes sense now.

                  Thursday, 12-Jul-12 00:09:30 UTC from web