

  1. But I digress. Salutations, my fellow bronies!

    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:11:28 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @philosodash Hey there !hug

      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:12:07 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @nvrrmbr Oh hey, it's you! *hugs back*

        Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:13:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @philosodash I missed you.

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:14:14 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @nvrrmbr Aye lad, me too! But all is mended, we are together again.

            Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:15:04 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @philosodash Yes, and of that I am glad. *glomp*

              Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:17:51 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              1. @nvrrmbr Don't make me kiss you again! *giggles playfully*

                Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:19:42 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @philosodash I won't! *kisses*

                  Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:20:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  1. @nvrrmbr Boy, I came back at a bad time, eh?

                    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:20:52 UTC from web
                    1. @earflaps Nah, just fake-roleplaying with Philoso. I'm straight, don't worry.

                      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:22:28 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    2. @earflaps Don't say 'get a room'. It never ends well with him here.

                      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:22:32 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    3. @earflaps Rping here as well, although I do suppose I am of the opposite sexuality.

                      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:23:43 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      1. @philosodash Well, it's not exactly the weirdest thing that happened lately.

                        Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:25:04 UTC from web
                        1. @earflaps And what would that be?

                          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:25:25 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                          1. @nvrrmbr I saw a group of people dancing to Walk The Dinosaur. I don't even know.

                            Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:28:28 UTC from web
                            1. @earflaps Oh my.

                              Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:32:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                            2. @earflaps Get on the floor/Everybody walk the dinosaur.

                              Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:33:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                        2. @earflaps I do not find it weird in the slightest, comrade, however I digress. What is this, may I ask?

                          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:26:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  2. @nvrrmbr May I suggest depression is attempting to pull you down?

                    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:21:52 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @philosodash Yeah, that's true.

                      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:23:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                      1. @nvrrmbr So you are depressed, or was that commentary over my 'get a room' monologue?

                        Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:25:38 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        1. @philosodash It can be both.

                          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:26:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                          1. @nvrrmbr Touche. If you are depressed, I suggest you pursue this dream girl posthaste - depression is never a good sign and can lead to some problems down the brick road. But ignore my musings, I've never attempted love, nor do I wish to at the moment. I presume it's because of my shyness, but we're not speaking of me here.

                            Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:31:16 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                            1. @philosodash I'm crazy nervous too. Don't feel bad.

                              Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:32:28 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                              1. @nvrrmbr A most common trait, apparently. I would suggest you attempt to learn her own feelings regarding you. I'm generally not one to be an idealist, but you'll never know what you'll uncover.

                                Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:34:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                            2. @philosodash I've never attempted love either. Not through lack of opportunity, I've been asked out a few times. It's because I'm the only gay dude I actually know, aside from my uncle.

                              Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:35:10 UTC from web
                              1. @earflaps Part of my reason as well, although I've never been asked out.

                                Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:37:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                1. @philosodash Well then, wanna go out?

                                  Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:38:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                  1. @nvrrmbr Rawr! Sure, tiger.

                                    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:41:29 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                    1. @philosodash Where do you want to go?

                                      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:43:30 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                2. @philosodash The universe hates me on this matter. Seriously. I was FOREVER ALONE, right up until I realized I was gay. Suddenly, I'm getting girls asking me out left, right and center.

                                  Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:38:40 UTC from web
                                  1. @earflaps Yeah, it tends to work like that.

                                    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:39:38 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                  2. @earflaps Heh, I've always been forever alone.

                                    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:42:00 UTC from web
                                  3. @earflaps Dang, have you told anybody that you're homosexual? Because then it's just ironic and I'd suggest they're doing that for much more sinister reasons.

                                    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:42:57 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                    1. @philosodash Honestly, I've never really hidden the fact. I don't go around saying "have I mentioned that I'm gay?", but I won't deny it. I'm just a cosmic plaything when it comes to this sort of thing.

                                      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:45:13 UTC from web
                                      1. @earflaps Ah, I see.

                                        Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:46:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                  4. @earflaps I'm still forever alone and might be forever alone for the rest of my lif

                                    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:46:14 UTC from web
                                    1. @chaosmagic Same here. Or, that's what it looks like right now, anyway. Probably because all I do is sit at my computer. >.>

                                      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:46:54 UTC from web
                                    2. @chaosmagic Now don't say that. I'm sure that if you looked you could find someone out there that will love you. But, like I tell most people. you have to work to find your happy ending. Kind of rough knowledge, but it's right.

                                      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:47:59 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                    3. @chaosmagic Well, I hope you find that special someone.

                                      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:49:19 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                      1. @nvrrmbr I hope too but it has no use

                                        Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:57:42 UTC from web
                                    4. @chaosmagic Don't be daft, there's somebody for everyone.

                                      Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:49:34 UTC from web
                                      1. @earflaps I kinda doubt it by me

                                        Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:57:24 UTC from web
                                        1. @chaosmagic ah, don't be such a downer. Have a rather cheerful song about how everyone finds love eventually:

                                          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:59:47 UTC from web
                                          1. @earflaps awh <3

                                            Sunday, 05-Jun-11 18:00:21 UTC from web
                                3. @philosodash Me neither. I've never had a girlfriend.

                                  Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:38:56 UTC from web