

  1. ... Why is the Witcher 3 GOTY cheaper than Call of Duty Black Ops 2 ? The latter one is FOUR years old ( also 2 months )

    Sunday, 22-Jan-17 18:36:01 UTC from web
    1. @critialcloudkicker Because CD projekt aren't thieves.

      Sunday, 22-Jan-17 18:40:18 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos @critialcloudkicker That's not real money, GOG!

        Sunday, 22-Jan-17 18:44:06 UTC from
      2. @nerthos I would not go as far as to call Activision thieves. However I think it is abundantly clear at this point that CD projekt really prefer to see their games in the hands of gamers who legitimately paid for them so that their brand name grows. Meanwhile Activision probably sees gamers as nothing but a number, like how a farmer sees his cattle as nothing but a number.

        Now someone is telling me that I should go play some CoD games because of the singleplayer stories, and I probably would have been ohkay with it if those OLD OLD OLD games were in the vicinity of the costs of a few ( 3 ? ) bag of crisps but even Modern Warfare 2 still stands at a whopping 25 bags of crisps, Black Ops 2 stands at 85.

        Still not going to call them thieves. But I am going to call them insane.

        It is probably cheaper and more enjoyable to see a longplay with all the death's cut out while nomming popcorn.

        Sunday, 22-Jan-17 18:50:17 UTC from web
        1. @critialcloudkicker Well, I'm pretty sure I could beat the story of a CoD in an afternoon, so not buying any.

          Sunday, 22-Jan-17 18:59:46 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos According to some articles I just read, most players finish a CoD singleplayer campaign within the time the average player takes to finish The Order : 1886. ( However CoD has a 10 times stronger hand for the completionists ). Interesting.

            Sunday, 22-Jan-17 21:05:00 UTC from web