

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @princesstrixie Hey bud

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:55:03 UTC from web
    2. @princesstrixie Im not too sure to be honest. Lately Ive been stuck recalling bad memories. Things I've done. Been feeling more unstable than usual I suppose. I guess main thing is that I havent put my head in the way of a spinning prop though. How about yourself?

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:59:55 UTC from web
    3. @princesstrixie I suppose thats sort of good. As long as you can maintain that neutral. Your oc is very nice

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:03:36 UTC from web
    4. @princesstrixie Dont think too much of it. Its just high school. At you dont work around jets and high speed propellers. Half the time I find it hard to talk because I feel as tough I am going to break down.

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:07:44 UTC from web
    5. @princesstrixie Yes. It does more than I can explain. Plus, boss calls me smiley because I am apparently always smiling. So if I started freaking out on someone, I dont know if that would be too good.

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:12:11 UTC from web
    6. @princesstrixie Ya. I was thinking that. My main real worry is how close I get to props. Imagine you were in a depressive/suicidal mood and around them. Now imagine having to look at them every day and just know how easy painless and peaceful it would be

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:18:00 UTC from web
    7. @princesstrixie Hence what makes me want to break down. Only real reason is because I have a deal with you and someone else. I sorta hate myself for making those deals

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:22:28 UTC from web
    8. @princesstrixie I know. I also manage to put myself into a dumbed down mode where I will be amazed by small things and will seem very happy to others. If that fails, I just go brain dead. I will literally sit for hours and wake up later and be wondering where I am and what Ive done.

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:30:59 UTC from web
      1. @renovatedkitchen I wish I had the brain-power to say something to help, but I guess # will have to do *hugs*

        Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:34:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @derpyshy

          Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:34:57 UTC from web
          1. @madykatt D0<70RVVH0oooooo!veeeesROHMYGSOD*?#*$88$#7&#(7@^£:){:$^

            Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:36:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        2. @derpyshy I dont want hugs, really.

          Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:39:01 UTC from web
    9. @princesstrixie Mine come if I get in a suicidal loop for too long and it keeps escalating.

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:33:18 UTC from web
    10. @princesstrixie Ya. I need to stop being lazy and get an appointment.

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:38:32 UTC from web
    11. @princesstrixie It used to be part time with big planes, that was a lot less risky. Been full time for about a week? Somewhere there.

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:40:29 UTC from web
    12. @princesstrixie Ya. My boss is a nice person it seems, so its not all /too/ bad

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:45:41 UTC from web
    13. @princesstrixie We also have a very powerful union

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:51:02 UTC from web
    14. @princesstrixie When my troubles get worse, I usually dont call anyone and become even more anti social. Seems as though this is covered under Canada's healthcare system though, so I definitely will go for an appointment.

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:56:11 UTC from web
      1. @renovatedkitchen Brohoof for canada's healthcare system /)

        Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:58:00 UTC from web
        1. @techdisk42 Ill brohoof to that

          Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:59:57 UTC from web
          1. @renovatedkitchen WOO!

            Monday, 16-Jul-12 03:01:24 UTC from web
    15. @princesstrixie I dont know. But chances are someone would catch me and remind me then. I dont want to make promisses I cant promise to keep

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:59:48 UTC from web
    16. @princesstrixie Sure. I will try to remember.

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 03:03:57 UTC from web