

  1. @ajr Right now I'm trying to rely on AI teammates during planning but they keep dying unless I take direct control of them. Often times when I tell them to open a door and throw a flashbang inside, they'd just immediately get shot by an enemy who was hiding away. What I'd do normally in that situation would be to open the door just a crack and toss a grenade that way but it seems like the AI don't know how to do it unless I haven't figured something out.

    So yeah, I've been stuck on this one level for hours.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-17 06:52:03 UTC from
    1. @gameragodzilla @ajr Learn infantry tactics.

      Saturday, 04-Feb-17 06:52:31 UTC from
      1. @maiyannah @ajr Well not all of us have been to boot camp. :p

        Actually, come to think of it, you got any tips? I'm tempted to try and one man solo avoiding enemies and using silenced weapons.

        Saturday, 04-Feb-17 06:53:54 UTC from
        1. @gameragodzilla @ajr Once you've engaged, you want to be as quick and efficient as possible.  Don't wait once you've breached.  For a square room with a four man squad you'll want each person to claim a corner and work towards it.

          Saturday, 04-Feb-17 06:58:00 UTC from
          1. @gameragodzilla @ajr The more static you are, the easier it is for an enemy to draw a bead on you.  You want to minimize your chances of the enemy acquiring you as a target, and maximize your chances of painting them as targets.

            Saturday, 04-Feb-17 06:59:18 UTC from
            1. @maiyannah @ajr Yeah but how would I go about, say, clearing a room if an enemy is camping on the other side of the door? Many times, a whole team gets wiped out just as they open the door.

              Probably should use breach charges, come to think of it...

              Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:01:05 UTC from
              1. @gameragodzilla @ajr If you have reason to think the enemy's close to the door you want to breach, not bang.

                Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:01:45 UTC from
                1. @maiyannah @ajr Yeah probably. Though sometimes I don't know. The game randomizes its enemy placements sometimes so I don't just memorize the layout, but then I want the AI to check if there's an enemy near the door, then breach or flashbang if necessary.

                  Probably should just breach then throw a flashbang before moving.

                  Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:03:06 UTC from
                  1. @gameragodzilla You can shoot through thin walls but that will alert them.  Sounds like you need to learn how to surveillance the enemies first.  Biggest points: they'll move and make noise you can hear occassionally if you pay attention, windows can provide both intelligence and entry points, and when you do engage MOVE.  More often than not if you keep your soldiers moving even if it goes completely sideways you can salvage it.  It's all about thinking quick.

                    Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:06:41 UTC from
                    1. @gameragodzilla As far as planning goes, design your missions around the AI.  Delegate yourself anything mission critical.  Much easier that way.  Not always possible, but usually is and it saves a lot of headache.

                      Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:07:24 UTC from
                      1. @gameragodzilla Try not to be surprised this is from the original XCOM (well, TFTD), but theres some good if basic squad tactics stuff in here:

                        Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:13:16 UTC from
              2. @gameragodzilla Spray through the door, or throw a flashbang in then blow it open and spray.

                Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:00:37 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos *brainfart* Spray through the door, throw a flashbang on the floor, give yourself a hi-five while you can't see nothing no more.

                  ~ Translated drillhat mantra. I managed to still make it rhyme while doing the translation :+

                  Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:06:38 UTC from web