

  1. uploaded my new cache plugin to gitgud, adding some stuff to my hardened-postactiv to make it easier to use. Will add my quick user search plugin later.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:27:50 UTC from
    1. @moonman Did you missspell github ?

      Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:27:55 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker I use instead of because I don't care for how github runs their business.

        Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:33:28 UTC from
        1. @moonman I actually never thought of github as a business, and if put on the spot prior to this point I would have probably mumbled something about a code supossitory that is also a forum hosted from a mountain somewhere so that codemonkies and aspiring codemonkies can talk to eachother about code and help eachother out. Only later to realise that it is called a repository and that I have no idea how github actually works.

          Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:36:13 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker technically it is many repositories, roughly 1:1 ratio of project to repo. if your software is FOSS, they let you host it for free. If you pay, you can have private repositories. The value proposition of Github is that it probably is cheaper for you to use github to host your code than having a dedicated sysadmin and you get much more reliability. The other thing it adds is a really nice collaborative interface for contributors. the problems with it are mostly due to its popularity, too much stuff is in github so when it goes down then everybody is screwed until it comes back up. And the other problem from my perspective is that they started executing editorial control over repo contents. So for example, at one point they started scanning all the repos for offensive words and locking them until you removed the words or got an exception from them. Ex:  someone got their project locked because it had the word "retards" in it b

            Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:49:39 UTC from
            1. @moonman @critialcloudkicker Meanwhile there's twitter blockbots that insult groups and specific people in the code and other junk hosted on there without issue because it's by the right people insulting the wrong people.

              Those were years ago too, prolly ones on there calling people nazis now, not to mention stuff like this, which are somehow fine where other banana isn't allowed. 

              Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:56:30 UTC from
              1. @cyberpotato @critialcloudkicker you mean they were scanning the commits to find people to insult? I don't understand yet, but I want to know more.

                Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:59:14 UTC from
                1. @moonman I think he means the code of those blockbots was filled with insults as comments

                  Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:00:51 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos @moonman This, far as I remember it had lists in the code that had derogatory names for groups and specific ones for individuals.

                    It's retarded and pretty minor mango but it's an example of the sort of unequal application of rules that you get on sites like that.

                    Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:07:26 UTC from
                    1. @cyberpotato @nerthos oh right the blockbot. The first incarnation of that was used by feminists in the atheism/skeptic community, and the real purpose of it was that they figured out you could get an account suspended by coordinating a rapid spike of blockings on an account that would trigger some automated ban mechanism in twitter.

                      Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:10:20 UTC from
                      1. @moonman @nerthos With the bonus feature of assisting in labeling anybody however you like and applying guilt by association in some iterations of it, especially the ones used by some companies because the "anti-hate" groups said it's good.

                        There are prolly Nazi versions to fit the current climate of insanity. 

                        Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:16:36 UTC from
                        1. @cyberpotato @nerthos I find blocklists distasteful but, sort of like the Wesearchr thing some of us were talking about before, I think it's something that became inevitable as time went on.

                          Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:18:23 UTC from
                          1. @moonman They're not inevitable, people need to start to grow skins again or get off the internet. The internet was supposed to be a place for adults.

                            Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:19:23 UTC from web
                          2. @moonman @nerthos Was that the crowd-funded "social" naming, shaming and doxing application that rightfully caused a lot of fuss because retarded kiwi is cherryed up?

                            Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:21:31 UTC from
                            1. @cyberpotato @nerthos I think that's the worst thing you can do with it, but all these things are manifestations of group collaborative will made possible by ubiquitous connection to internet.

                              Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:25:49 UTC from
                              1. @moonman @nerthos The internet was a mistake.

                                Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:26:31 UTC from
                                1. @cyberpotato @nerthos yep but its one we can't take back

                                  Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:27:03 UTC from
                                2. @cyberpotato @moonman Letting manchildren into it was the mistake.

                                  Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:25:38 UTC from web
                      2. @moonman @nerthos @cyberpotato I just want to point out that this wasn't so much about collectively blocks, it was about having found that mechanism in twitter and then going out of their way to intentionally exploit it.

                        Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:26:56 UTC from
                        1. @maiyannah @cyberpotato @nerthos the trick doesn't work anymore and even though I find blocklists distasteful I think they are better than top-down moderation (unfortunately we just get both)

                          Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:28:46 UTC from
                          1. @moonman @nerthos @cyberpotato Anything that exposes the social network is a bad idea for privacy.  We really shouldn't do this more than we have to.

                            Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:30:19 UTC from
                            1. @maiyannah @cyberpotato @nerthos multiple groups are already mapping twitter for their own purposes, it's easy enough that a single brain damaged sysadmin could write their own. My instincts on this are to be accelerationist about it but morally it is very unpleasant. 

                              Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:35:29 UTC from
                          2. @moonman @nerthos @maiyannah It doesn't work as well now and the "trust and safety" council haven't picked up the slack in getting rid of the wrongthinkers.

                            It's no coincidence that there's demand for sites like Mastodon where they can feel their voices will be heard when they want the wrong people gone.

                            Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:35:25 UTC from
                            1. @cyberpotato @nerthos @maiyannah as I got older I stopped thinking of people in terms of good and bad and rather people I want to be around and people I don't.

                              Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:37:12 UTC from
                              1. @moonman you're getting too old

                                Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:36:39 UTC from web
                              2. @moonman @nerthos @maiyannah Good and bad is a headache not worth chasing, easier to just work off if somebody is being a huge grape.

                                Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:39:24 UTC from
                            2. @moonman @nerthos @maiyannah There's also an interesting pattern of groups leaving places to go elsewhere, not because they were facing any serious adversity but because remaining where they were was becoming prohibitive to persecuting others as much as they'd like.

                              Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:45:11 UTC from
                              1. @cyberpotato They're like hunter gatherers if our nomad ancestors were angsty wimps

                                Saturday, 04-Feb-17 08:47:11 UTC from web
                                1. @nerthos More like the Puritans.

                                  Saturday, 04-Feb-17 09:11:17 UTC from
                                  1. @cyberpotato The puritans at least had a real standard they wanted everyone to follow, rather than "it's ok if we do it but not if they do it"

                                    Saturday, 04-Feb-17 09:23:41 UTC from web
    2. @moonman you rule

      Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:47:12 UTC from